Friday, January 8, 2010

Spiritual confusion and need some advice?

Recently for no particular reason ( excuse my spelling im not a wrighter) i have changed. I was racist hatfull angry and emotionally blocked. Im 25 male married for 4 years two sons one with autism. I lost the anger that i have for no reason. i no longer hate like i did i can admit to my feelings and race doesnt bother me. i have this higher sense of being but still feel misplaced. i got laid off but have found work since so i cant atribute it to that. i was in the infantry,witch tought me to hide emotion. im not a good person i've lied cheated stolen destroyed, but i have also lost given things i truely could not afored to give. emotionly and financialy. so what the f is going on with me. i do sometimes fallback into my old self if only for a molment,quickly i relize my fault and feel almost dirty. ive lost most of my sexual desire and become more emotionaly aware of how i view my wife. sorry if this post seem chaotic. thats how my mind has always been. any ideas on whats going on?Spiritual confusion and need some advice?
In the name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful.

All praise be to God, Lord of the Universe; the Compassionate, the Merciful, Sovereign of the Day of Judgment! You alone we worship; and to You alone we turn for help. Guide us to the straight path; the path of those whom You have favored; not of those who have earned Your wrath, nor of those who have gone astray.


Islam is not a new religion but the final culmination and fulfillment of the same basic truth that God revealed through all His prophets to every people. A way of life symbolized by peace - peace with God, peace within oneself, and peace with the creations of God through submission to God and commitment to His guidance.Spiritual confusion and need some advice?
Can't be certain whats going on but I do know that truth is the best medicine.

Check out this link鈥?/a>

Check out other videos from this guy and dive deeper into truth itself, you'll be pleased.
You are realizing the Truth. Not as any one particular Truth but all Truths. Good for you.
I guess it might have something to do with becoming a dad or a parent maybe softened ur heart, and the fact that one of the boys has autism maybe taught u to accept people as Good created them all.

u must be good in heart ,and this is why God sent u this precious gift ( your son )

. I also have an idea about when a son is having a problem,had one of my own, who's resting in heaven along with his older sister..

the experience made me feel that life is worth s*** , or even less than that, i'm much more tolerant especially with my other 2 daughters,

i don't have any strong emotions towards any thing or any one except my family.. u used to feel that u had control, but know u feel helpless..

it 'll get better, maybe not soon, but it's a test from God..

'; wa basher alsaberin, allazin eza asabathom mosiba , 2alo ena lellah wa ena ilayh raje3on.';
Yeah. You're going through a transformation. You're only partway through it, but it looks like it's going in a good direction. Don't worry about the loss of sexual desire, it will return.

Try not to worry about it or block it, just let it do what it's doing, and you'll come out the other side just fine. Be calm, and realise that you're growing and maturing in many ways right now.

This isn't the only time this will happen in your life, many people go through three or four of these (or more) by the time they are old and die.
well, you have a son with autism...that kinda shakes you up. Its not something you have any control realize things just plain happen. Well, black people just happen as well. They all just trying to survive, like you, your children, your wife...and once you realize most people have that in common - that we struggle - you become more compassionate....which makes it hard to see people for thier skin color, or lust women as much, etc.

Some people would call that growing up...emotionally, and spiritually.

Hope that makes sense. I'm on my way to bed....its been a very hard time for me as well.

Good Luck along the path

Spiritual/mental question.? only helpful advice needed.?

when i look in the mirror one second my eyes are light blue but then they change to dark and sometimes go green and grey does anyone know why?

Also every night at 3:02 exactly i wake up and cant sleep, it only happens when i am at home though,anyone have the same problem or know why?

Also my last question,my sister woke up crying in the middle of the night because of a nightmare and she said that i was looking at her when she woke up and asked why she was crying.

i dont remember doing this at all. any suggestions to why or am i just plainly insane?Spiritual/mental question.? only helpful advice needed.?
eyes look different colours sometimes. Its due to the light hitting them, how close you are to the mirror and also how much you study them! If you look in detail you often over analyse and think- ok, now they look green. But then again if i move my head to the left they kinda look blue!

Waking at the exact time can be many things. I tend to wake at 5.05 in the morning. No reason! Its just the way it is. I dont think it means anything.

But maybe your body gets too hot around that time, maybe your sleep fidgetting too much about then and it wakes you, maybe youre used to waking at this time for work etc, or maybe you reach a certain stage in your sleep pattern where your brain starts dreaming or enters REM- and this brings you awake. Also, it can simply be that your brain and body have renewed themselves enough and therefore you wake. If you have a lot on your mind- this can disrupt your sleep pattern also. Loads of things will do this.

As for your sisters dream.. One of two things. She dreamt you talking to her or you did talk but you were half asleep yourself and forgot.

I think your worrying too much and analysing a bit too intensely! Try to relax a bit and dont look for meanings in everything. Life is full of little oddities! Its what makes it interesting. Just laugh and shrug at them! XSpiritual/mental question.? only helpful advice needed.?
Your eyes have melanin in them which makes them the color they are. Some eyes (and I think it's usually hazel) will change color depending on the environment, and the clothes you wear.

#2 is your circadian rhythms are out of whack.

#3 She was either still dreaming, or you talked in your sleep. Both normal.
My eyes change colour, from blue to green. I believe it's to do with mood and body temperature, I wouldn't worry.

About the sleep thing - I wake up at the same time. Don't worry, it could be anything - There could be a loud car/van that goes past at that exact time every night.

That was probably in the nightmare your sister had.
your eyes will change when focusing when you wake at home it's habit and your sister was dreaming! stop looking for things that don't exist.
I dont know but I have similar spooky things happen to me.

When I am awake after 3 am I can hear distant voices but cant make out what they are saying until I am almost asleep - then I can latch on to some of the voices and follow what they say. Its nothing directed at me or about me and I am eavesdropping and I can only concentrate for a short while as I am already on the verge of sleep, but the period leading up to being able to listen can go on for quite long periods until I fall into that lucid state that opens the voices up.

Dunno what it all means - I just accept it and let it be the part of my life that it is.

Has anyone gone on a fast, for spiritual or health reasons? If so, any advice?

It clears the mind and body of toxins.

';Death begins in the colon';, so find the right detox and colon cleansing routine and DO IT at least once a year!

I fast nightly, so I never get that wicked build-up in my colon/intestines. All I do is stop eating 6 hours before I fall asleep (during which time I drink one quart of purified water). When I wake up 8 hours later, I brush my teeth and tounge, then drink ONE QUART of purified water within 15 minutes. This will bring about a very healthy bowel movement, and keep you hydrated most of the day so you don't have to drink a lot of water, esp. while eating, since that only dilutes the enzyme activity in your stomach, inhibiting proper food digestion. An hour after drinking the quart, I eat a whole organic red delicious apple, only. A half of an hour after that I can start eating anything I normally would!Has anyone gone on a fast, for spiritual or health reasons? If so, any advice?
no, but I've always wanted to do it because they say it gives you a better appreciativeness for things.Has anyone gone on a fast, for spiritual or health reasons? If so, any advice?
I had a very spiritual colostomy which required fasting.
i havin cant give u advice!!
I have fasted in the past. I can tell you that it is much more likely to be successful if you do not get caught up with fasting *as such* in other words you don't obsess over it. Occupy yourself mentally/physically; you'll hardly notice that you're fasting.

Stay well hydrated.

Avoid caffeine for energy. It'll mess you up!

After the second day, the hunger pangs stop.

If you go longer than a few days, your body will begin detoxifying. You may notice an unpleasant smell. It's ok; just the toxins being released through your pores. If this bothers you, a bath will help.

When you resume eating; start small. Usually, yogurt is good to start with. Do not have a big meal first thing since your stomach will have gotten used to the lack of food. However, as I said before, stay well hydrated.

Let family %26amp; friends know, just in case you start to get loopy from low blood sugar, which can happen.

Hope this helps!
1. When you get back on normal food, introduce is very slowly.

2. Meditate everyday

3. Give yourself an enima before you fast. This will clear your system of any impurities and make your skin break out less during the fast

4. Drink water with lemon because lemon also purifies your body.

5. Drink a 1/4 cup of alloe vera Juice a day. This will heal your stomach and intestines while on your fast. You can buy it at any health food store.

6. Don't do a fast for longer then seven days.

7. Take a multi vitamin everyday, with a glass of rice milk. This will help in cramping from the vitaimins on an empty stomach.

8. Before you start the fast, eat nothing but raw vegetables for three days prior.

Good Luck!鈥?/a>
I went on a 30 day juice fast and several smaller one. I am starting a 45 day juice fast in two weeks as part of Richard Schulze's incurable program.

Although I didn't go on this fast to lose weight but for cancer, I lost 70 pounds. I had ALWAYS gained weight back plus more (yoyo) any time I lost weight but this time though it was 10 years ago, I only gained about half of it back. It is the only thing I EVER had the happen with.But I think that was because of the colon cleansing (used Dr. Richard Schulze's colon intestinal cleanse #1 and #2.

Start with smaller fasts...water only fasts can be dangerous. Use only fresh juiced fruit and vegetables, (bottled) may be used if you need to and you're out, be sure to drink the juiced juice within 15 minutes or the enzymes (the healing factor) are destroyed. Also drink filtered or distilled water, herbal teas (be sure to use only steam distilled water with teas especially medicinal ones as they pull out more of the healing pytochemicals as the water is empty.

You may also drink potassium broths (use 1/4 beets, 1/4 carrots, 1/4 potato peelings, and 1/4 kale with a little celery). Use about 25-50 cloves of garlic. Add cayenne if you can handle it. Cook veggies with filtered water.. strain it when cooked, drinkling only the broth (can freeze vegetables to make soup when you are done with the fast). Can also use a green cleaner like magna green (schultze makes a good superfood (1-800-herbdoc).

Do not get scared if you feel weak at first. This is the toxins breaking loose from organs and tissues and cleansing putting them temporarily into your bloodstream etc. Stick it out and you will soon feel fabulous. People have spiritual closeness to God or better organisms even I've noticed. You feel good. All hunger goes away after the first few days. When hunger returns, it is a sign you need to eat or are starving...this will not be the case except with very extened fasts.

You may be a little chilly. If so wear a sweater. It is helpful to do a liver cleanse or kidney cleanse or immune boosting or blood cleansing with it by using appropriate herbs (see schulze's incurable program on internet or through catolog.)

It is CRUCIAL to break the fast slowly. Research how to do this before starting. Some foods you may try are a small dish of cooked carrots, some fresh applesauce, a small salad...maybe a little cottage cheese for the 3rd meal with juice. Very, VERY gradually get back into eating taking at least 2-3 days to do so. This is crucial.
I never have, but I have been told, that if I do go on a fast to be sure it's Spirit led, and that it doesn't necessarily have to be EVERYTHING. Some people do a bread and water fast, or water and veggies. Or they eat before the sun rises and after it sets. But the hunger pangs are apparently suppose to remind you to pray or meditate and focus on the answer you seek, which is the reason for the fast. SOmething like that. Good luck, be safe.

Yes, I went on a 2 day juice fast followed with a 3 day water fast. I felt GREAT. You will experience light headedness, headaches and hunger pangs the first 3 days. Just hang in there and meditate and pray every chance you get. Check out this website that will help you in your fasting needs.
Drink plenty of water, and herbal teas.
I combined my first fast with colon cleansing and I felt like a million bucks for over a year afterwards. GO FOR IT but follow some of the really good advice that has already been posted on this thread!!
I have fasted for spiritual reasons several times. I have learned a few things;

Stay hydrated, drink a lot of water, tea and if possible a little broth so you don't get sick.

DO NOT fast while pregnant, or on your menstrual cycle (obviuosly these only apply if your a woman) during these times you need to keep your normal balanced diet.

If you were to give 3 pieces of advice; 1 emotional, 1 physical and 1 spiritual, what would they be?

Hi David First I would start with the spiritual because everything emotional and physical begins with the condition our spirit.

1. The spiritual advice would be: The fact that there is a loving God that sent His son to die for us, and that to believe in Him would give everlasting life. To trust in His son Yeshua and to make Him Lord of his/her life.

2. Emotions are deceiptful and not to react too emotionally and to trust in the Savior for their needs because He is the provider and will heal our situations and emotions. Emotionally we have peace when we trust in God. Because if we are saved, spiritually we are whole, and we have to remind ourselves that we were made whole, shalom- meaning nothing missing nothing broken. Peace comes with trust.

3. Physically, when we hold onto bitterness and unforgiveness, whether we are saved or not, it brings sickness to our bones like cancer, mental sickness, heart attacks........ I would advise people to let go of past hurts and forgive those who hurt them and to release it. So that they can move forward and not backwards.If you were to give 3 pieces of advice; 1 emotional, 1 physical and 1 spiritual, what would they be?
1- find love and possess it, live it, and hold it like a prize

2- work out and stay physically fit

3- have faith and beleive in your all mighty lordIf you were to give 3 pieces of advice; 1 emotional, 1 physical and 1 spiritual, what would they be?
Spiritually: Follow all the precepts of the Bible to be spiritually fit.

Physical: Take care of your temple (the Body) it works better when it's taken care of. It enables you to be spiritually and emotionally fit.

Emotional: If you take care of your spirit (By having a relationship with God), your body is healthy, your emotional being will be taken care of. Your emotional health has alot to do with your spirit and body being healthy.
and in fetters; and he brake the bands, and was driven of the devil into the wilderness.)

SA1 2:26 And the child Samuel grew on, and was in favour both with the LORD, and also with men.

JER 25:36 A voice of the cry of the shepherds, and an howling of the principal of the flock, shall be heard: for the LORD hath spoiled their pasture.
Emotional: Keep calm and focussed!

Physical: Look after your body, it's all you really ever will get.

Spiritual: Be grateful for everything.
emotions need to be expressed or they build up... it's finding a positive healing means of expressing them that causes healing... our bodies is our only life... taking care of them means balancing your life.. living by the rules of karma work...

spiritual... the purpose of the spirit is nature to talk to nature... as we have been promoting religious views through it humanity has sepertated itself from nature that is why we experience these horrible illnesses, we have removed ourselves from nature's healing cycles... leaving religions is the only answers to help the healing of all of which we are... spiritual, emotional, mental and physical...
Christianity is a FEAR based religion used to control the masses!! agree?

Because fear is the most productive tool these mind control cults have to win over and keep followers.


Remember, ';god'; is nothing more than a nonsense word created by man to explain away all of the things we can't yet understand.

Religion is a disease of the mind, born of fear, which has done nothing but bring untold misery down upon the human race.

If you can't get someone to convert willingly through preaching, fear is the next best tool.

Christianity for instance is based on two principles:

1. If you believe, you will be rewarded with the prospect of an eternity in Heaven when you die.

2. If you don't believe, you will be rewarded with the prospect of an eternity in Hell when you die.

For Christians:

God is all-loving, all-wise and all-merciful, so long as you submit to becoming a slave - salivating and singing heaps of praises on him for all eternity.

Much like an Earthly dictator who rules his subjects under rule of tyranny - submit or suffer.

Two methods in which religion spreads


2)Child Indoctrination
1.) dont cry when u dont get the last piece of cake

2.) with that gut u didnt need that cake

3.) pray to god that the cake doesnt go to ur waist
1. Respect everyone including yourself with common, ordinary respect not fawning or cowering before anyone.

2. Be moderate and avoid all manner of permanent damage to your body. Drink plenty of water. We are water.

3. Be honest with yourself and with your Maker
Jesus is the answer to all three.
1 - love all men

2 - conquer all unrighteousness

3 - pray unceasingly
Here's even four in one: ';Love the Lord your God with all your heart, mind, soul, and strength, and your neighbor as yourself.';

Favorite scriptures that edify include: ';Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.';

';Trust in the Lord, lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.';

';Cast all your care upon the Lord for He cares for you.'; I Peter

';Guard your heart with all diligence, for out of it are the issues of life.'; Proverbs 4

';Love is patient, kind, not easily provoked...'; I Corinthians 13

';Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.'; Matthew 6

';Gird your loins with the breastplate of salvation.'; Galatians 6

';The fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, perseverence, and self-control, against such there is no law.'; Galatians 5:23

';Behold the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world.'; John

';Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. You believe in God, believe also in Me. I go to prepare a place for you that where I am you may be also. ... I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through me.'; John 14

Kris - God loves you anyway, and yet you are missing out. I will pray for you. God bless you in your pursuit. God is not afraid of your questions. Take them to Him. Ask Him to relate to you-- He came through for my husband, and He can and will for you, if you come to Him and just talk to Him about those doubts. Seek real answers from the Bible and others who know the Bible and you respect are living a life congruent with scripture. Truly, we all sin and fall short of God's perfectness. Just let Him know you'd like to give Him a true try. Do it. You won't be disappointed.
Dont take things too personally

Exercise daily

Charity Charity Charity
its truly simple

Listen to your heart

Listen to your body

Listen to your soal

In listening to your heart, it will never stear you wrong

And with your body, that doesn't mean cravings for junk, but your body will guide you true when you leave your impulses out of it.

And when it comes to your soal, the movie Stigmata says it all, ';Turn a piece of bark and I am there. God is everywhere and in everything. In your soal. You don't need a book or some preacher to tell you what is right. Thant knowledge is already printed in your soal, all you have to do is look to it and there it is.
The suggestion that our self respect is the most valuable of all the reality we perceive.

That functioning in a manner that will provide us the opportunity to enjoy good health.

That our responsibility as a mortal is to live lives that represent our effort to work cooperatively with others that will provide a better life for everyone.
Depends on the situation.
1) Emotional,- Visualize yourself in the shoes of others to temper negative opinions. Other people are in fact aspects of yourself so judgment and negative attitudes directed at them is judgment and negative attitudes directed at yourself. Nothing matters anyway so have fun doing it.

2) Physical,- Never allow yourself to get to hungry, to tired, nor to alone. Be moderate in all things.

3) Spiritual,- Love isn't a feeling. You love your family even when you're mad at them. Love is treating others like you would treat yourself. Learn to give and love selflessly to encounter the singular consciousness that the superstitious call God.

Follow all that advise and you'll become just exactly like Christ.
Emotional:Have a strong mind or never give up.

Physical:Stay healthy or use your brains FULL potential.

Spiritual:Never become a spiritual slave.
Create your own Happiness! life is not always what you expect it to be so you have to think Happy and and that will get you thru the sad. or something along those lines

dont break your diet, its not worth it! nothing tastes better than thin feels!

Trust in God, dont ask him why, accept your crosses in life they will make you the person you are meant to be!!
Love the Lord thy God with all thy

soul - spiritual

all thy heart - emotional

and all thy might - physical

Looking for advice on how to develop and control my spiritual/psychic powers.?

I have the ability to sense and communicate with the spirits that surround us as well to sense the emotions/feelings of others. I'm looking for ways to develop and control these abilities so as to be better able to use them. So if you know of any books, websites, or even have advice you can offer from your own personal experiences it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

ps. do any of you know of any spiritual or pagan shops in the contra costa county area of california? thanksLooking for advice on how to develop and control my spiritual/psychic powers.?
You might want to inform yourself on the psychology of narcisstic behavior.

On the other hand you would also be well advised to read

'; The Law of Attraction '; by Jerry and Esther HicksLooking for advice on how to develop and control my spiritual/psychic powers.?
Darling, you are asking a question that can lead you straight to hell fire..pagan shops?..The bible name for your gift is Prophetess..You should read the bible to learn how to exercise your gift..I am also a Prophetess..Yes, satan will try to lure you into his kingdom by finding ways for you to use your gift, and then he will also add some of his deception on to it..Go to the libray, and seek out books concerning the spirit of prophecy, or the gift of prophecy..Being a psychic, is practically in the same category as witchcraft..God Almighty's people gives God Almighty the glory for their gifts..Operating in witchcraft will lead you to pre-mature death, and a afterlife of and peace, Lady Minister Q
Neuro Linguistic Programming?
Get behind me, satan!
I absouletly positively recommend getting ANY Sylvia Brown books and read them.
Nobody in California has any supernatural powers.
I can help you to develop your psychic ability.

Slow your mind. Modern life tends to wind us up; literally speeding up our brainwave frequency. Normal daily, wide-awake, states of consciousness are Beta frequency 14 up to 20+ cycles per second. Beta level brainwave activity is too fast to allow psychic connections. So the practices of meditation and relaxation methods you are comfortable with are the first steps to develop psychic ability. More advanced help on the following pages:鈥?/a>

Here is my quick step-by-step script for accessing your psychic state of mind. With a free MP3 to download.鈥?/a>

There鈥檚 also a good FREE psychic mini-course at
I am empath and I have been told the best way to deal and/or hone is meditation. Pagan shops might have some interesting books on it, but beware. Not all of those shops actually have reputable items.

Any kind of psychic gift is simply being more in touch with your surroundings then other people. It doesn't mean they can't, they just don't.
  • acne prone skin
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  • I will give ppl advice on braces, being spiritual(ima christian), tamagotchis please ask?

    ask me if braces hurt, anything about a V4 tamagotci and anything about going to church or about the bible

    i will help you as much as i can!! thanks

    -sarah(AKA SMILES)I will give ppl advice on braces, being spiritual(ima christian), tamagotchis please ask?
    i really wanna know if braces hurt cause im going to use them since next week, so tell b4 i get them, or send me an email

    Going through a spiritual awakening, feel all over the place. Any 1 been through it?Advice?

    Can doctors give sick paper if your experiencing a spiritual awakening which leaves you feeling all sorts?

    thxsGoing through a spiritual awakening, feel all over the place. Any 1 been through it?Advice?
    Depends on the kind of spiritual awakening you are having and how profound it is.

    If it is profound to the extent that you intend to lead a wholey new spiritual life then the sick note is irrelivant, just sort yourself out, chuck a sicky . A new direction will be apparent from there and you will be getting a new job in ';service'; anyway. Most major spiritual directions demand this , right path, right mind, right ocupation.

    Good luck

    .Going through a spiritual awakening, feel all over the place. Any 1 been through it?Advice?
    Liquorice certainly is included in my plan, if you smoke liquorice papers or even if you buy root liquorice from the chemist, whatever rocks your boat!

    The urgent science/religious questions are:

    Did/does Glycyrrhiza glabra know how good it tastes?

    What is it with human beings and their insistence for giving silly names to discoveries?
    Don't go to doctors. Keep your experiences to yourself. Others who haven't experienced this ecstasy won't be able to understand you.
    develop a practice for grounding yourself.
    This is 'what is' for you and it is wonder-full. It is possible that it will pass away...this is 'what is' too.

    All we can do with 'all things' is be with them. Put one foot in front of the other, do the task at hand...';point your body willingly'.

    I remember 'experiencing' a period of awakening that was very profound. It lifted when the questioning mind returned. :) My teacher said, ';All things (experiences) come and go. The only permanence is, that you (awareness) are here. Awareness never cannot go anywhere';.

    Enjoy this marvelous ';gift';....just don't hang onto it.
    I have to tell you its not a spiritual awakening your experiencing.

    someones got to you and you 'know' that. Now get your feet back on the ground, remove whatever is causing you emotional pain, and start to live.

    Do not use 'spiritual' to ignore the real things that are going on and affecting you. Do not excuse what is not right by spritualising yourself!
    sorry you just have to work through it like the rest of us...get a diary and write stuff down...helps to get through it easier...
    I love it! Yes I can help you feel more vulnerable, your mind keeps you awake thinking, the most simple things become huge complex works of art, the world is a tiny place, and you are even smaller? I have been there and it gets so goood, I am bringing a close friend through the experience at the moment and he has become very paranoid. I don't know what to say to you apart from you are kinda evolving in a way imagine your brain square when you leave school from the rubbish that you learn, well this 'awakening' is kind of like your mind being rounded out at the corners compressing (not literally) you are finding yourself your true personality. Feel free to contact me, if not see you on the other side.
    That's great news, I'm going through the same at the moment! Downer is, I've completely lost focus at work and could use some sick time too.

    But I wouldn't go to the doctor, they won't accept spiritual awakenings as a genuine reason for needing time off work.

    The route I'm going for is: keep at the job, and if it all falls apart leave and do something else, and if not then all the better.

    So far, it's not working...
    indulge in your spirituality read some good books, look up things on the internet, read the secret by rhonda byrne. go with it and you will feel happier

    So do you think Yahoo R&S is a good place to find answers or advice on Religion or spiritual matters?

    how serious do you take this section?So do you think Yahoo R%26amp;S is a good place to find answers or advice on Religion or spiritual matters?
    Well, I've met some great people on here, and have a lot of fun. I've even learned a few things. But I would never recommend this place to someone who isn't well grounded in their faith. (((TTC)))So do you think Yahoo R%26amp;S is a good place to find answers or advice on Religion or spiritual matters?

    There is a bunch of crap, but, mixed in are really good questions and answers. I have learned a bunch by hanging out here.
    Definitely. I've learned quite a bit being here.
    R%26amp;S should be a meeting room that links to more specific religiouns or spiriutal sections. otherwise its too polar.
    No... but it's a good place for a laugh, and for learning about the hotly contested differences in belief systems.

    I don't take very much of it seriously, but every know and then there is a serious question... and those I will answer seriously.
    I think some gems do come along from time to time.

    A good deep fun book might add some insight. This one is free.
    I take it very serious, but like I said yesterday, trying to convince someone with just your words in this section doesn't seem to work, like when defending christianity. Just seems to fuel the fire. But reading another christian's answer does help me research on my own. Ok, and I have to admit, some answers do make me laugh! And that is always a good thing!

    I think it's possible to read something on Yahoo R%26amp;S that's genuinely illuminating. As a rule, though, good freaking luck if you come here actually looking for ';spiritual advice.';
    You can find all types of messages here on matters of a spirit nature, I know there are some wonderful christians here who have great things to share regarding the Gospels...
    Not's mostly a place where Christians who are shaky on their own beliefs come to bait Atheists into arguments, or people who can't spell tell Gays they are going to Hell.

    I saw a really informative answer on Islam last week however...that's what faith is all about, huh, being open to the future?
    I take it seriously when I attempt to answer someone's question. I don't think it's the absolute best place to learn...but granted, you get many people's viewpoints. For me, many questions people bring up cause me to think as well. I suppose I find it interesting (and sometime amusing...).
    The value of the content is largely determined by the mindset of the individual. Even a bad answer can lead to enlightenment.

    Personally, I'm here for my amusement.
    taken semi-serious, there is good information to be had

    here, and there's no shortage of ';the other side'; of the

    issue. This particular subject matter (like politics) doesn't

    want for opinions that are miles apart. Nor does it suffer

    from lack of sarcasm and downright nastiness -- all in all,

    it IS a good place for answers if your separate the wheat

    from the chafe.
    excellent question!
    I find it to be a good place to make contacts with those who do know something about religion and spirituality, as well as a window into the minds of those I think have rabid squirrels in their skulls

    it's a good place to hang out, cook bran muffins, ask earitating questions and say ';whatever';.

    There are some very good answers here, but rather few and far between. And very, very, VERY few people seem to actually learn anything new, or come away with a change in their beliefs.

    So, no, unfortunately this is not a very good place for people to learn about religion, especially truth in religion.
    yes a god place a grinding wheel for truth.
    It's not a bad place for information if you begin already possessing a smattering of knowledge, and are not looking for the finest in biblical exegesis. So long as you can sort through the trollish answers and can be satisfied with a basic level introduction to something, it can be a good place to get ideas for further research. This is particularly true for fundamentalist Christianity and the arguments for and against god's existence, as well as introductory Islam, Buddhism, and Wicca.

    As for advice, it can offer first hand experiences, but not truly universal advice. If someone finds it helpful to hear about others' experience, then they may find it useful.

    ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^ ^v^
    I take this section seriously, the hard part is what to ask. (Of course I also answer as the question dictates.)
    No...but it's a good place to find out people's opinions..

    And it's been a good place for finding friends.
    Yes, when I'm answering.

    Actually, there seems to be a good amount of atheists in this section, so people are generally getting some very good advice on religion and spiritual matters. I've seen some very good answers here.
    its only as good as the answers and some are helpful and some are sarcastic
    Answers? No.

    Information? Sometimes.

    Opinions? Oh Definitely, Everybody has at least one.

    Advice? Sometimes.

    How serious? Only as serious as the question appears.
    not too seriously.
    Sure if you want to sift through the nonsense. I've met some very kind and helpful people here.
    Hah! great question. There's a wise old phrase from the North of England

    ';Where there's Muck, There's Brass';

    Now, no offence to my fellow posters but you really have to pick through the muck to get to the brass on R %26amp; S!
    It is a good place to get the opinions of everyday people from a variety of places and backgrounds. I doubt many people would come here for real spiritual guidance though. Most people come here for interesting discussion.
    Very little... I come here to laugh!!!

    I have learned alot, but not nearly as much as I've laughed. It's the neat thing about this forum, some brilliant, most just funny!
    At times I find there to be a lot of misinformation being spread around on here. This section can be useful sometimes as there are people who know there stuff. But it can also be annoying at times especially when I ask serious questions in hopes of getting the answer to something that I would like to know and there are people who are just answering the question to joke around or insult me. But other then that I'm not on this section all that much. I used to be a regular in this section under a totally different account and user name until my first account was suspended. After that I did still come around but not as much under a different name and account yet again. Now I come in here sparingly.
    depends who you are talking to.

    Any advice for this spiritual problem? Please help.?

    Hello...well to start, I'd like to say that I am a fifteen year old girl, and I've always been and always will be a committed Christian. Over a year ago, my sister talks about a horror movie that really spooks me. So I start having these evil thoughts all the time that I don't want. I talked to my mom and she said that I should read my Bible more and trust in God more. And it worked for a while, but it started to get more severe, so severe that I started having suicidal thoughts, which I can't have. And on top of all that, my brother told me that he had a dream of me being possessed, which really creeped me out. And I've tried everything, but I'm becoming rapidly depressed. Can someone help me? I pray everyday and read the Bible everyday, and I trust Jesus, but I feel hopeless and depressed all the the time. So can someone offer any advice? I would really appreciate it. And no rude remarks, please, thanks.Any advice for this spiritual problem? Please help.?
    I suggest that you ask your mom to first go to a medical doctor and have a consult to work up a blood screening etc. There are many medical conditions that may cause your depression. Also it is very important that you continue reading your Bible with the intent to be obedient to what God is saying to you. And don't listen to your brother about dreams and such depart from such evil pointless chatter. Avoid watching scary l movies and tv violent drama that only aggravate your problem. With double mindedness you can't expect to learn anything from God.Any advice for this spiritual problem? Please help.?
    it's often said that your christian god helps those that help themselves. Help yourself, see a medical professional and maybe this jesus you follow might give a helping hand. Who can tell.

    Seriously though, see a doctor, I'm not joking.

    edit - ...and for goodness sake ignore that rubbish from Michelle about demonic possesion.
    Talk to your minister. You can demand that the evil spirit to leave. You may have to do this several times but if you do it in the Lord's name they must leave and do not think about it again this can bring them (evil spirits) back. Read James 1:5 you must have faith and believe that this will work.
    The advice to go to your doctor is right on. Remember, even people that Jesus healed had tried the doctors of their time, so don't be afraid that you're insulting God somehow.
    I agree that you should go to a doctor, but try to find one that also understands herbal medicine.

    pharmaceutical antidepressants are not good for individuals with developing minds... no mind effecting drug is.
    Admit that you're suffering from religious hysteria and perhaps see a doctor.
    Go to the doctor. Depression is a medical concern.
    Thoughts just pass unless you entertain them........
    you need a lobotomy.
    can u ask ur parents if u can go outta town for mayb a weekend 2 a week after skool mayb even if they let u go for the whole summer...mayb like a relative sum1 ur parents trust...if they say it fine then go jus bi me i didn't wana ne1 bother'n me on ma sounds as if u need sum rest honey...i jus went through this maself...but my problems wasn't in a Christian matter but Islamic matter, but i hope wat worked for me will help u...if ur parents are reluctant tell them please u do anything but u feel like ur gona tweek on sum1 if u don't get away and get away not telling u to run from your problem becos all the crap is still thr when u get back, but @ least ur mind be more clean, clear n rested and suprisingly you may find some answers while ur taking a rest. think of sum1 who r parents will give u da ok to go and sum whr where there isn't too much work after all this is ur vaction to rest...let me no send me offline message Good Luck hun, God Bless
    What I think happened is a demon has come into your life through this ';horror movie';. Your brother may have had this dream from God telling you that this happened.

    What you need to do is to ask Jesus for forgiveness for believing in the horror movie and ask Him to take away this fear that you have.

    After that, I would go to your Pastor and ask for a delieverence prayer (it's when the Pastor prays to God and frees you from the demon's hands).

    This may sound freaky but it's true. This happened to my friend's mom and this is the way she got rid of it.

    Just be warned that once you get this demon to leave, he'll come back stronger, trying to pull you down.

    So stay strong in Jesus. I will be praying for you!

    (Btw I'm the same age as you :D )

    Further advice needed from spiritual and atheistic peoples!?

    Oh also we are both artistic if that helpsFurther advice needed from spiritual and atheistic peoples!?
    Why is an emergent worship service considered ';out there';? Anyway, there are no rules and time limits regarding interacting with other people. Just tell her you had a great time at the movie, and ask if she wants to go to (fill in event here). Most newspapers have a religion section, and in that section is usually a calendar of events. Pick something, see if she agrees to it, and have a good time. Personally, I've found that going to cultural events (museum exhibits, art shows, poetry readings, ethnic celebrations, dance, theatre, concerts and other things) can be a spiritual experience in its own right, although occurring in a secular setting. Maybe something like that might interest her and will provide a bit of neutral ground since it's not (usually) connected to any specific type of spirituality.Further advice needed from spiritual and atheistic peoples!?
    I think you should ask her to do something secular first before moving on to asking about something spiritual. I say this because that will give you each some more time to get to know each other. Since people have different beliefs about spiritual matters, you wouldn't want to invite her to something that would not be in line with her personal beliefs or practices. So I think I would just go to a movie or something, to demonstrate to her that you are willing to be her friend even if you end up not agreeing 100% on religion. Then later you can ask about something spiritual, and see if she likes that. If not, I'd just stick with secular things.
    How about spending a day going window shopping or browsing the many (artsy places) and galleries there?

    Maybe going to a bookstore and getting a cup of your favorite coffee of expresso. And doing lunch or dinner?

    Maybe even a Christain bookstore?

    Some of these things are probably free of charge. Except the Coffees.

    How about a Friday night worship service in a Spirit filled church?

    I am sure in New York there is alot more to do then in my city.

    Maybe iceskating or somethign like that?

    My city is blaahh!
    I like just wandering around midtown in the afternoon, check out Macy's and the wooden escalators, a little lunch, maybe take in a movie at the Ziegfeld.
    you could just tell her that you don't really know what there is to do (since you just moved) and ask what places she thinks are fun
    Bible study works!
    Well bro, don't pressure yourself... You are going to lose half of your mind dwelling so hard; trust me man. Just pray that God illuminate your path and guide you. Also, since you all went to the movies last week, just ask her today what is she doing tonight. If she is free then plan to take her out to dinner. I'm drawing the perception you want to become a bit more intimate with this woman. But anyway, just take her out to dinner where you know the food is good. This allows you to converse with her and see what her interest are. Going to the movies conceals this, because your interest is intrigued by the movie. So going out to dinner will be an epic idea sense you will be able to talk with her a lot before the food comes, while the food is there, and after you're done eating. This is an awesome way to find out how well the two of you communicate. The next time you take her out or you all meet up again, just do something simple like walking through a park together. Again to be reiterate, this allows communication. Communication is what you need to establish any type of relationship. It doesn't matter rather you are intimate or just a mere friend; communication can illuminate an awesome relationship.

    Email me if you desire some explicit info... Brief me some more about this woman, so I can become savvier with this issue and provide you with relevant info.


    Advice for my spiritual journey?

    about 11 months ago, i came to a point where i decided that i no longer believed in the religion that i was brought up with. i was raised baptist, but realized that i disagreed with all of the strict rules and dogmas. i am a much more open person, i dont like to judge people or put people down based on their religion, so the evangelical side of being a baptist really wasnt working for me either. i decided that it was better for a person to discover their own spiritual path, than to follow the path of others. so i reached this point in my life where i did not deny the existence of god...but did deny the existence of the biblical god. my concept of god is more of a spirit/essence that is in everything and outside of everything.

    the thing is, i know that my parents would not accept this stance that i have taken. i am still being raised in a very strict baptist church, and am having a lot of trouble keeping my mouth shut.

    i am afraid of causing an uproar,of being ridiculed and rejectedAdvice for my spiritual journey?
    you are absolutely wonderful, courageous, true to your heart. this is very rare, most are cowards and never ask what they have been indoctrinated by parents and society.

    i recommend the web-event ';a new earth - awakening to your life's purpose'; with oprah winfrey and eckhart tolle, an enlightened being, who fully realized the self, the journey ended....

    every monday they are discussing eckharts book about finding the inner truth, awakening to the truth within instead of fighting an endless anf麓d fruitless fight with parental and church conditionings, that has never lead anyone really to truth within, to inner bliss and fulfillment.

    visit and look for ';a new earth'; - great opportunity, great book, a help to go the own path. no doctrines, no rules, simply tools to your inner guidance, yolur true self.

    once you find this true self you will not get in trouble with any religious belief, for you rest and abide in your inner peace and true knowledge of self.

    good luck, your courage to leave the box we are conditioned to live in will set you free.Advice for my spiritual journey?
    You are defiantly on a spiritual journey.

    I suggest that you don't argue with them.

    Just hold on to your faith in the idea of God that is growing inside of you.

    Soon you will be old enough to get your self free of this limiting theology.

    You may want to try the book a course in miracles. It is designed to help us have a close personal relationship with God and help us find our way free of the tangled guilt trip that religion so often is.

    The fundies hate it because it speaks of a God that never made any mistakes and loves each and every one of us unconditionally exactly the way that we are.

    I wish you luck, and I can't tell you how proud I am of you for having the courage to question the idea of a judgmental punishing God and come to the conclusion that It just could not be real.

    If I can ever be of any help my email is always open.

    Love and blessings Don
    Until you are grown and on your own, try to say as little as possible...I have been where you are and I am happy for you...but your parents will have a fit! And you know it...good luck...

    Another bit of advice is to read everything spiritual you can find...the Buddhist Dhammapada is good...
    A journey? It looks like you have already found your god.
    If you can will yourself to take a closer look at the Dragon of fear, you will find out that it is really nothing but ';Puff the magic dragon';.

    Each fear that you conquer will give you a feeling so great...mere words cannot do them justice!

    I too walked away from religion and I cannot deny the fear that intially comes with it.

    It gets easier as you accept yourSelf and your feelings.

    As Don suggested, try A Course In Miracles...see if something resonates...but never stop asking questions and challenging what you ';think'; you know.

    Blessings to you on your journey,

    At some point you will have to explain to your parents that you don't have the same beliefs they do. It's all a part of becoming an adult. They raised you to be smart and use your brain and that is what you have done! Congratulations on that, it can be a very difficult deciding you don't believe what you have been taught. You have to stand up for what you believe in even if you are ridiculed and rejected! There are many others out here that believe as you do, so don't feel alone! For now, I would just go because you have to, you can still believe what you wish and when you are old enough to fend off them trying to ';save'; you, you can explain your beliefs to them. Best wishes!!!
    Many will say Jesus didnt exist or that if He did exist He was either just a good man or a prophet. Many will give u many different answers as to what u should or shouldnt do regarding God. Many will say God doesn't exist or that God is this way or that way. Only the Bible warns us that we arent to trust humans, not even ourselves (Jer 10:2-5,23; Is 2:22; Job 12:11; Prov 14:12: Acts 17:11). Read carefully %26amp; slowly what I write but carefully think over what I say. Dont just believe what we write %26amp; dont rebel against your parents - but do find out who Jesus is.

    Unfortunately, theres many religions out there along with different varieties %26amp; offshoots from each 1. 1 day I realized they cant all be right (i.e. Theres 1 Bible, why so many interpretations? - II Pet 1:**19-21). Most religions were invented by people who made up ways in their image of what they want God to be like. Some realized that religion could be used to control the masses %26amp; for other agendas. But I found that religion, for the most part, wont teach you much about God (they cant teach what they don't understand).

    Even so, Jesus Christ existed as the language of God prior to everything except God Himself. Jesus is the only 1 in history whom stated that He's ';the'; way, ';the'; truth %26amp; ';the'; life %26amp; that no 1 can know God except through Jesus (Jn 14:6; 5:39; 10:1,7; Acts 4:12). Either Jesus is whom He says He is or theres no God (God either knows what He is doing or He can't be God). Who knows more about a house, the builder or those whom moved into it later on?

    Either the truth is the whole truth or it cant be the truth. The truth cant contain a lie. If Jesus is the whole truth then the truth is complete %26amp; finished through Him. It means any new or other teaching/religion is invalid, null %26amp; void %26amp; serves no purpose for finding God. If Jesus lied then He is just a false prophet among many, whom should be disregarded.

    If Jesus told the whole truth then all others are false prophets %26amp; teachers, no matter how good what they teach sounds %26amp; they should be disregarded (if you want to be with God in Heaven). If God does exist (which He does) then He had to have known all that Jesus Christ would say %26amp; do on earth (which He has known since before the universe was conceived). Jesus is proof of these facts %26amp; if 1 sincerely turns to Him He will open your spiritual eyes.

    But I've found that most religions have %26amp; are making many mistakes (some fatal) that have been made since man began thinking God might or does exist. But, religion, religious practices %26amp; churches cant save anyone. The very few that are making right effort to find out what is actually written in the whole Bible %26amp; understands about being Born Anew, may be able to help u but they cant save u.

    However, Jesus is the only 1 in history who died for our sins, rose from the dead %26amp; is alive in Heaven to intercede on our behalf if we ask Him to. But God outsmarted man, because the Bible is the only 1 known to man that cant be properly understood without going through Jesus (Jn 14:6; II Cor 3:14 - If the Jewish people cant pierce the veil over the Old Testament without going through Jesus then rest-assurd neither can the gentiles).

    Because Jesus is the only way to our Salvation, to begin to know Jesus %26amp; to begin to rightly understand the Bible you have to start where Jesus states His 1rst instruction for finding Him (start with John 3:1-14 - note: Nicodemus was very religious but Jesus told him that he had missed the 1rst most important step, that he must be Born Anew - Jn 3:3,5). This means no matter how religious or humanly spiritual a man is, all must come to Jesus to have their spiritual eyes open to even begin to see God %26amp; His real Kingdom. Otherwise, u won't get to Heaven no matter how good u think u are (all have fallen short of the glory of God - Rom 3:23, sin separates us from God but we can be forgiven by going to %26amp; following Jesus).

    Just to reinforce that you would be on the right track doing the above: Jesus couldnt have done nor said all that is written in the New Testament unless He completely knew %26amp; understood the entire Old Testament (the NT didn't exist at the time of Jesus %26amp; He couldn't have known the whole OT unless He came from God). %26amp; the Apostles couldnt have remembered all that Jesus did %26amp; said %26amp; couldn't write the NT unless Jesus gave them that ability (Lk 24:25-27,45). In other words, none of this could be possible unless an incredibly Intelligent Being made it happen.

    However, why should God want someone to live with Him forever if they dont want to know Him or follow His commandments? But whoever searches for Jesus with all their heart %26amp; soul will find our true God %26amp; His Kingdom. The truth of God remains forever, while the things of man, including his religions %26amp; gods made in his image dies with him. In other words neither being a good person as judged by men or religion can save anyone. But there is everlasting hope in Jesus Christ.

    If you don't live with your parents, I believe it is acceptable to branch off and explore other religions.
    My advice to you would be to expand the base of your spiritual knowledge. Branch out into the scriptures and theology of others. If you know the Bible, keep reading it, but go through the Bhagavad Gita, the Upanishads, the Koran, the Torah, etc.

    I think what you'll find is common spiritual threads, a truth resonating in all the scriptures that may strike you when presented from different perspectives. When they do you'll find they aren't all that different and your fears regarding the impact your spiritual journey will have on your family will disappear.

    You'd be surprised how much Buddha and Jesus have in common, some folks are simply more receptive to a different teaching style.
    You believe in God, but not the Biblical one?

    This is strange, considering the fact that the Biblical God is the one who created the physical dimension. What God do you believe in?

    Actually the last secret that has been revealed in these last days is that our Heavenly Mother is the source of our spirit. God the Mother has come in these last days in accordance with all of the prophecies in the Bible.
    Take the path that you are being led and see if that path is where you want to go.
    sounds like you need to share with those who have annoyed you in your church,family, close friends. maybe you need to find a new church withmore love and less judging.
    My advice: listen to all, question everything, decide for yourself.

    The true road to spirituality comes from within, not from on high. Good luck.
    You're asking for advice, so I'm going to tell you this. I, too, left the religion I was raised in. I went on a journey that took me 11 years, so I've giving you the short cut version: Greek Orthodox Christianity. Usually, I say you have to find your own way, ask God for help, guidance and support to find your own answers, but you are asking specifically for advice, so there you have it. Still, I think it's wise for you to say your own prayer for God to show you in a crystal clear way that you cannot possibly miss, where it is He wants you, despite what everybody around you wants.....You need your own answers...and God can and will give them you. You can start at my short-cut version if you won't hurt to start there.
    For the sake of keeping your life simple, I would just keep my opinions to myself for now. When youre out of your parents house it will be easier to tell them how you feel.
    You are brave for looking within yourself and finding your own answers about what you believe. Keep on doing that, and you'll find your way. Your parents don't have to know, unless you want them to.
    i believe there are many incarnations of god, male and female. i believe that god is the heart beat of the earth, the wind through the trees, the waves,birds, rocks,fish, I believe that god is the light within us all. i was raised catholic so i suppose you could call me catholic with a twist ( of paganism,buddhism,hinduism...) but i don't belong to any one religion, i feel after having looked at all religions non of them and all of them are the one.

    you should check out Paulo Coelho's books, they have helped me immensly as I walk the path to light.
    I was raised Baptist too. My thought is that God has lead me to my beliefs which according to Belief.Net I am a neo Pagan,Mahayana Buddhist, Universalist Unitarian. Works for me.
  • acne prone skin
  • make up
  • I see this number 43 everywhere! Its a sign! Any advice from psychics/spiritual counselors....??

    The number 43 pops up everywhere; everytime i check my clock it's blank 43 am/pm ...I see this number 43 everywhere! Its a sign! Any advice from psychics/spiritual counselors....??
    I would say it is a sign. adding them together is 7. So I would investigate the number 7. Check under numberology.I see this number 43 everywhere! Its a sign! Any advice from psychics/spiritual counselors....??
    No it's not a sign. You're subconsciously looking that number up.

    I've the same thing with the number 27... oh, but your number 43 is a prime number, though!
    May GOD have mercy on your poor, misguided soul.
    I think it is a sign. Why dont you look into your families past, such as Grandparents, etc and see what happened around their age of 43. Just a thought....

    I am a very spiritual person but bacon looks nice. Advice Please?

    Girl I been up in like mah local supermarket buying groceries (its like a Lebanese shop) and in front of me are like some juicy pieces of bacon. Oh girl should I be like those people you know ummm ';Fatima and Ali'; who like stole a pawpaw from the tree when the camel told them too or should I just ignore temptation and have a halal beef kebab?I am a very spiritual person but bacon looks nice. Advice Please?
    did u ever hear the story about hassan and his boat. well his sister zeinab asked him to bring one of every kebab and he did. instead of waiting for the great drought, he ate it all. he died of bulimia.

    that story holds great value to us muslims. its the bulding foundation of the orogins of why muslims can never take their headscarfs off, even wen they take a shower!I am a very spiritual person but bacon looks nice. Advice Please?
    Those old time Assyrians stopped eating pork 3400 years ago because they got bugs from it. That was probably before Moses time. Those people were not even Jews, they were usually the enemies of the Jews, but hundreds of years later.

    Moses was no fool even if he was a bit nutty sometimes and he knew this, so he wrote it in his book. To make the idea stick, he said it was God's word, or maybe he believed it was.

    There is a perfectly good reason for it, or there was, and it got confused with religion.

    Did you know some of the old-time Egyptians would not eat fish from the Nile? They had lots of gods, but no fish.
    Take it from me, Bacon isn't all that nice.

    Its too salty, beef tastes nicer and is better for you, IMHO.

    Islam was right when it said no alcohol and no piggy-wiggy.
    Well, I am not sure but I believe Muslims are not permitted to eat pork. From the Old Testament I think the Jews are not really encouraged to eat pork. My wife's sister made us a pork roast and it was delicious , when we ate it during the holidays. I guess the poor and Christians can eat pork. Peter in the book of Acts chapter 10 is something I need to read. I guess calling people unclean like some of the foods we eat is not permitted by God. But in the Old Testament pork was unclean so if you with conscience toward God do not want to eat pork it is okay. If I remembering the Book of Acts chapter 10 in the New Testament want to partake of pork it is okay.
    A Rabbi and a Priest end up in the same carriage.

    After a while the Priest says to the Rabbi......have you ever eaten pork.

    The Rabbi sits quiet for a moment and says resignedly...A bacon sandwich......,,,I was hungry.

    The Priest smiles somewhat smugly and sits back.

    The Rabbi says to the Priest. ';Do you mind if I ask you a question?';

    Go ahead says the Priest.

    The Rabbi says........';Have you ever had sex with a woman?!

    .';The Priest looks up, fingers his rosary and after a long pause say`s ';Yes';

    The Rabbi somewhat triumphantly says, ';It sure beats Pork doesn`t it?';
    If it would really upset you in the future, don't do it. But I'm just putting it out there that despite being an atheist, I've made the conscious decision to not eat pork. I just think it tastes bad, and bacon is my least-favorite pig product. Lots of people think I'm wierd for that, though.
    Well, two negatives are supposed to make a positive. Cheeseburger, bad. Bacon, bad. So a bacon cheeseburger from Burger King is two negatives, so it makes a positive!
    What faith? if its muslim or any orthodox denomination then not really! the old testament which is your guys Sacred texts says you can't eat pig! its unclean. Reason why well cause they don't chew on cud(grass)
    Pig is delicious. Unfortunately, I have a hard time eating anything smarter than a dog.
    Erm, girl, bacon looks like shite :|

    Maddy x
    Bacon tastes good. Pork chops taste good. But a pig is a filthy animal.
    A pig will even eat Human feces, it is the most avaricious of animals. You still want to eat pork ?
    You could also go for the camel.

    Order a Pizza...

    ..Pay with snakes.
    What you eat does not bring you any closer to God or take you farther away.
    Don't eat it. Pigs are gross.
    Proper English please.

    If you want bacon go eat it. It is not against the law, and when Jesus came he fulfilled the old law, so go eat it.

    In the future write more intelligently and with pride in how you come across to people. Right now your style and practice is lacking appropriateness and proper grammar usage. You have to type those words out so it's not like you're speaking them verbally. Something is wrong with this entire premise; this - your - entire post.

    Need advice regarding my spiritual life?

    Ever since i can remember, as a little girl, i went to church, and did everything i was supposed to do. But as i grew up, i started to slowly depart from God. Now, i feel as if i don't even have a relationship with God anymore. I've lisened to soo many preaches and now it's like I already know all that stuff and I don't feel as if i need it anymore- in another words, i feel ';numb'; to the Word of God. I need some help- I know i have to get back on track with my relationship, but i don't know how.- and when i pray, it's as if i;m talking to myself... I need some serious advice. (please no silly answers, and no ';turn to islam'; advices, please. Thank you.)Need advice regarding my spiritual life?
    I think there may be the most important ingredient missing to your relationship with God. I do not know you , so I could be wrong, so please don't take this as judging. But when I read your question it seemed like to me the Lord was speaking directly to my heart these words for you.

    ';Going to church and doing everything you were supposed to do'; does not constitute a relationship with God. The only way you can have one is through Jesus Christ. All the church going in the world will not get you there. You must admit that you are a sinner, in need of a Savior- once you do that and repent and He becomes your Savior, then you can grow in your walk, and become closer to Him. You may have already ';prayed the prayer'; when you were a child, but you may need to rededicate your life to Him. God promises that when you seek Him, you will find Him- you can only do this through Jesus however, so start at the Cross- He is waiting for you to come home- Ask God to spiritually open your eyes to Him, and you will see Him. Know that I will be praying for you - God loves you!!Need advice regarding my spiritual life?
    It might be that you need to ';take a break'; for a while. Don't force prayer on yourself, don't go to church for a while. You might just need some time out. (Don't worry, God won't go anywhere).

    Perhaps you need to get away from the organisation of the Church and the preachers etc. Maybe spend some time without them, and get to know God again on your own terms, in your own way.
    first of all u need to unederstand the relationship between human and God............. u should be very clear that it doesn't matter if u run away from Him........... u need God He doesn't need u.... God is inside u, for God u dont hav to look outside rather look inside....... mediate and establish communication with Him........ u will feel peace
    Your story sounds like the one I had. I was very unhappy with my life at one time and didn't know why. I finally just sat down one day while I was alone and told God that I didn't love Him. I asked Him to help me love Him.

    Within 2 weeks some events started to happen in my life. I was introduced to Jesus as my friend. I had always had a belief in Him but, not a personal relationship with Him. This was around 25 years ago and I have not tired of Him. I love Him more every day. I will pray for you to have this wonderful relationship with your Lord and Savior too. May God bless you.
    Warning: before you read this, I don't have an answer. I'm just telling you what I went through. I used to feel the same way. When I was little and went to church it just seemed hypocritical. The services were like fashion shows, imperfect people were always judging everyone else, everyone was always nebbing into everyone else's buisness... and not for charitable reasons. I just started talking to God one day, saying whatever I wanted, not in prayer form, just regular talking. It just doesn't seem right that one should ';need'; a priest to communicate with God because the bible says God loves us all the same. Through talking with Him on my own level, I think I have a better relationship with him now. I love God and I know he's there, I can't explain why... maybe because loving God is trusting him and knowing he is there without looking for physical proof. But, if I was looking for proof, I know of many things that happened in my life where it seemed like someone was watching over me and getting me thru. I'm still looking for a church though... one where you wear what you want, is not too seemingly preachy-perfect, and people don't judge you over trivial things. Maybe you are looking for the same thing, hopefully both of us will find it one day. I'll pray for us both! Good luck!
    Go find something by C.S. Lewis.

    Everybody's spiritual life has its ups and downs and dryspells. That's not unusuall at all.

    I know what you mean about going to Church and having heard it before.

    So I'd recomend two things. Keep praying...even if it seems like you are talking to yourself, just keep going. Prayer is like exercise (the Catholics call it ';spiritual exercises'; even) and exercise sometimes gets dry and uncomfortable and it takes a while to pay off.

    Second, like I said, go find a Christian author who interests you. C.S. Lewis is probably the best there is... The Great Divorce is my absolute favorite book by him, get a copy if you can...Screwtape Letters is well thought of too. If you really want a challenge go for St. Augustine's Confessions

    They will get you going again.

    Good luck and God bless.
    The simplest way to get back on the track is to meditate for some time on daily basis. The most important thing in this respect is that you start asking questions from yourself that Who could be the real Creator of this Universe? ';I wish I can truely perceive the real Creator';. Keeping your eyes shut ask the question,'; O, the real Lord of this Universe, I very sincerely wish to turn to You. Kindly help me guide from darkness to light and protect me from going astray. I simply wish to tread the right path.'; Also please express your helplessness with a strong yearning for the truth. On this occasion you presume as if you are sitting in front of the Creator and asking Him very humbly for something you badly need.

    This is really a very tricky issue. Many religious people also fail to attain the real perception of the real Creator of the Universe. The pre-requisite for getting on the right track is sincerity as the entire knowledge cannot match the smallest quantity of sincerity and honesty. If you shall honestly desire to establish relations with your Creator, You will surely get on the right track. And once you rejoin Your Creator you will feel your body and soul enlightened.

    I am sure You will get this light as you have the urge for truth. At the end of these submissions I pray that You may dicover the ultimate truth.

    Best regards

    In name of GOD, The Beneficient , The Mercifull.

    Dear Friend, that's great, that's nice, and is the most beautifull thing and shows the purity of your heart that u feel to be going away from GOD- you have no idea, neither me that how much reward this feel may have already bring into your life, it totally represents your affection towards HIM, this is the most precious gift a man(humans) can give to GOD, to tell HIM that you feel HIM somehow. and listen, GOD says in Quran or in some saying of our Prophet Muhammad (P.B.U.H), that ';GOD loves his people 70 times more than the mothers';.

    at one more point there is a sying that, ';Whenever a person goes one step towards HIM, he comes 10 steps towards the person.'; so what this all reflects is that GOD surely loves us, we are too much blind and too much materialistic to see HIM, how shame is this that we human in today's most technological world are unable to see our creator, u just keep on remebering HIM even if it feels dumb to you, and LISTEN TRY to CRY FOR HIM, TEEL HIM, YOU NEED HIM, and even then if tears do not come into your eyes, PRETEND in front of HIM that you are crying, and u better do it secretly on night before sleeping. BAPTIZE you heart with the tears of your EYES. Surely HE will show you the right path.

    Renewing your faith is not hard. You just need to find more interesting stories hun.

    I don't go to church much anymore but, I really like Dr. Arnold Murray who is Pastor of The Shepherd's Chappel on T.V. in the early morning where I live in Indiana.

    The same old scripture is BORING sometimes! LOL!

    He makes it more interesting by taking letters from people 'n stuff.

    Free CD called the ';mark of the beast'; is at 1-800-643-4645 and you can listen to his message regarding protection from popular misunderstandings about this subject.

    Hang In there,........keep your chin up!

    The Holy Spirit is inside you. You just need to WAKE IT UP!
    You need to repent and make Jesus the Lord of your life.

    You need to be sure you have been born again.

    Fast and Pray and ask God to guide you, (read the Bible)

    God should guide you to a good church where you can serve.

    When you have been a Christian a long time, you have pretty much heard all of the sermons. Then you need to be teaching others and praying and witnessing to others..

    Once you are saved then it is all about service to others.. Works don't save you, but they are what you do to serve God once you are saved.. They will also bring satisfaction to your life as yousee others grow..

    The lady below 4HIM has a good testimony..

    the Adorehim lady has very good advice too..

    I would say that God is speaking to you through these people.



    Study to show thyself approved

    2Tm:2:14: Of these things put them in remembrance, charging them before the Lord that they strive not about words to no profit, but to the subverting of the hearers.

    2Tm:2:15: Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.

    2Tm:2:16: But shun profane and vain babblings: for they will increase unto more ungodliness.

    2Tm:2:17: And their word will eat as doth a canker: of whom is Hymenaeus and Philetus;

    2Tm:2:18: Who concerning the truth have erred, saying that the resurrection is past already; and overthrow the faith of some.

    2Tm:2:19: Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are his. And, Let every one that nameth the name of Christ depart from iniquity.

    2Tm:2:20: But in a great house there are not only vessels of gold and of silver, but also of wood and of earth; and some to honour, and some to dishonour.

    2Tm:2:21: If a man therefore purge himself from these, he shall be a vessel unto honour, sanctified, and meet for the master's use, and prepared unto every good work.

    2Tm:2:22: Flee also youthful lusts: but follow righteousness, faith, charity, peace, with them that call on the Lord out of a pure heart.

    2Tm:2:23: But foolish and unlearned questions avoid, knowing that they do gender strifes.

    2Tm:2:24: And the servant of the Lord must not strive; but be gentle unto all men, apt to teach, patient,

    2Tm:2:25: In meekness instructing those that oppose themselves; if God peradventure will give them repentance to the acknowledging of the truth;

    2Tm:2:26: And that they may recover themselves out of the snare of the devil, who are taken captive by him at his will.

    Have you tried fasting? Sometimes when you ';fast'; it doesn't mean food either. You can take something you enjoy away from yourself to concentrate only on God. Have you been baptized in the holy spirit? Sometimes when you just cry out ';Jesus'; over and over again, He just has this tendency to reappear in your life. Do you read your Bible daily? Sure, you listen to the preachers, but do YOU study your Bible and look for answers? Sometimes you just need to praise God even when you just don't feel like it. Sing to Him, call out to Him LOUDLY...I have done these things many times to draw closer to Him. Carnal knowledge is different from spiritual may know all about that Bible, but you must really seek him spiritually.
    What makes you think you're so different from God?

    ';He helps those who help themselves...';
    I think you might find that if you changed denominations you would hear some new things in the sermons. And the other differences might make you feel more excited about the church. I'm not sure however that you can ever regain the relationship you had with him as a child, because that relationship was determined by the way your brain worked at the time. You need to find a way to be with him as an adult. Try rereading your Bible. You may see it in a whole new light.
    That is a good news. You have left the dogma behind and started a new real spiritual journey. Quite like myself.

    Go on. Do not leave the search. It may get difficult sometime. But you will come to know now or later. Yes, meditation, yoga will help.

    Good Luck.
    I guess my question is when you say you feel numb to the word of God do you mean the Bible itself or the words of preachers etc..?

    I have been in a very similar type situation and what brought me back was simply the realization that the bible clearly teaches that God does not walk away from us only we can walk away from the relationship. He loves you and if you have come back to Him and asked forgiveness for walking away then you must simply believe that he will. (I Thessolonians - ';Faithful is he who has called you; who also will do it.';)

    A good way to get back on track is to set aside a special time each day to study his word and communicate with him. Work at really developing your relationship,remember its just like any other relationship in that it only survives if there is frequent communication. Finding a good devotional book would probably help. I personally really liked the Purpose Driven Life
    talk to GOD, be kind, forgive people, any good thing u think can do , and ask GOD to help u!
    I have felt like that at times in my life too. It would take too long to explain how i know this, but trust me... G-d knows your struggle to feel close to Him and He truly is there and really cares. At one time in my life, I thought He had abandoned me, because nothing was going right, even though I had done everything right and had not sinned. I then lost faith, even though I needed it more than ever. Things of course got worse, but even so... He would communicate things to me in the physical and spiritual realm that was unmistakably G-d... (if that makes any sense) even though I didn't FEEL Him as close as much as I used to, I could SEE that He was in fact, there and cared very deeply about what happened to me. I then regained my faith and also gained a total TRUST in Him for and with EVERYTHING that I could not have had otherwise. (I hope that makes sense to you) Anyway... I don't know why the feelings go sometimes, but I think it has something to do with spiritual growth. It's like... He wants you to trust Him, and remember how He revealed Himself to you in the past so that you don't HAVE to go off your feelings anymore. Also, our human emotions can be misleading. I believe He is teaching you and helping you to trust Him by your knowledge and by your will instead of feelings alone. But don't worry, as you put your love and trust in G-d and as you serve Him the best you can while practicing what He is giving you to learn, the feelings will return to you.
    Even though u feel numb of the word of god there is always going to be something new.......Pray but dont pray with words pray with ur heart ..pray for protection and pray to learn something new because there is always going to be something new that u never heard what u need to know.....maybe listen to some christian music or worship music ........dont think that u have heard everything because there still alot of things that us humans still learn from the word of god....good luck and pray
    Try meditation [listening]. ~ : )
    Please! don`t make a church services/activities like some kind of a just watching, observing, or being not concentrated to the lesson learned from God`s every word ...probably because you are with friends, lovers, family, communities, childhood group, etc. or even attending in the church alone... but so busy planning your activities for today, tomorrow, the whole week/month/year, or worst is...recalling the unsavory past, quarrel experience, or just the sweet yesteryears. What is more dangerous is...when you`re attending church is just to show your sunday duties/obligations, show to friends/neighbors that you are normally in church because you are a Christian.

    Christian is never in a person label kind of meaning. It is private... coming from the heart. God label you ';His'; if your heart longs for Him, if you befriend Him (He wants to be your best friend), He feels elated if you constantly call Him every seconds of your life, talk to Him, tell Him everything (whether you are happy, sad, help someone or you have help somebody, or if you can/can`t successfuily resist temptations %26amp; sinning, or if you do/don`t have the capacity of witholding (anger, gossip, treacherousness, vengeful, easily get angry, hatred, tell lies, etc). He wants to know what you think of Him (God), your friends, parents, neighbors, country...and what are your plans in the future, dreams, ambitions...and why?

    If you have heard God`s word for today, reflect on it, imprint it in your mind...and do it everyday (so that God will be happy to see that you have learned from His word, practice living on it everyday...then, when you are very good in this can help others by best advicing them the real meaning of Gods word and God will be happy for you in saving other sinners of this world.)...then another Sunday, another learned lesson from His on and so forth. Then it won`t be a boring Sunday already with boring ';WORD'; because you make an impact by living it yourself, and helping guide others to God`s way.

    If you have memorized PRAYERS, it is not good...because you are talking prayers without even knowing what you are talking actually, or you do not mean what you talk %26amp; pray.

    Please mean what you say in prayers. Eg. ';The Our Father';. Pray as slow as you can be that you understand every word you say. Then, in your daily life, please remember...mean what you say in prayers. (you are talking to a God and He is real, and heard what you say...but did you mean/do something real out of your prayers?) Giving meaning to the Our Father prayer itself will cost you whole life to mean and do it actually. Very hard to do and mean what you say, especially if you prove to Him/God what you mean to say...while it is very easy for a God to mean what He say because He has everything, all poweful, all forgiving, real good.

    When you pray, better be in your room, quite places where you can focus on God and just talk to your mind (don`t let voices comes out your mouth), or let your hearts talk to God (meaning...what you genuinely felt, the truth whether good or bad, what you really are thinking without censors, because God reads your, you can`t lie.)

    Every church, has its own set of important topic, or bible passages to talk with the people. Their gospels may be the same all over in every 3-5 years program. So, if you think you understand well the Word and its explanation or learned lesson from the church...then you are ready to explore other bible passages (outside their prepared set passages to be discussed) on your own by reading it yourself.

    If you get hold of The Holy Bible, I assure you, this is one of the most interesting book ever published in our world. It deals with real life, real God, the story of our world creations, the life of our anscestor in this world from beginning to end, climaxed by ';revelations'; (foretold end of times.) Then, here, you will know well who God is, His intentions of making our universe, His hearfelt feelings for His people, and the people`s doubt, denial %26amp; treacherousness towards their God, and then God`s reactions to disloyalty, punishments and forgiveness...then, His plans for all us in the future.

    Still, so many knowledge left to be learned %26amp; absorbed, so many mysteries to be uncovered. If you just look into each matter one by one, you would see...each second is very important as the whole story of our life, so thrilling to see, watch %26amp; anticipate... what comes next ??? (when you can feel the pulse of near ending world time !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! )

    Don`t waste any time, getting bored without knowing our God...because the world is about ';God'; and ';us'; and near ending. Please be prepared for end times.

    Good luck.....and.....Be Blessed !
    I hear ya... it happens to me sometimes too. I don't know if there's any quick-fix to this... but in my case, I just stick to it. Go to church even if there are times when the words just pass through your head (the same reason why you still eat at least once a day even if you don't have an appetite)... surround yourself with spiritually enriching friends... serve others... don't hesitate to ask for prayers, and try to pray yourself and ask for more of God in your life (I know, it could be very hard to do so, I'm experiencing that myself)

    There are times where I struggle with issues similar to yours, but I sincerely believe that anyone who earnestly seeksGod and wants a relationship with him will have it -- read Mat 7:7-8.

    You can also read some of the answers some people gave for my question, I find them quite encouraging. God bless!
    No one on Y-answers, knows it all, No one minister knows it all, %26amp; You do not know it all.

    Take it to the One that Knows it ALL.

    Be patient. You are on your way to further development. You will see. The test of patience is the most difficult.
    Seriously - make it personal. make it between you and god. No need for a church- if you believe in the bible and god, then you know god is everywhere.

    Take a break - seriously. Take a day off, go out into the country and just look at things. Feel things. Experience th whole thing. It will help you regain some balance, so piece of mind, and hopefully come to peace with god.

    God's not that church, that group of hypocrites, not us - but he's in each. Find him for yourself, outside of all that.

    You'll know when it happens. God and you can be as a state of mind.
    You are proving your calling. You notice the absence of a vital part of yourself. That part is the part of you that God OWNS! Yes, that's right, he has laid a claim on you that is undeniable.

    What you have to do is not wait too long to respond. What I see in your future is a scene where you just want to get away from everybody you know for a while. Perhaps driving on a lonely strech of road, crying your eyes out. That would be the best thing for you. It's true repentance in action. You wasted precious time wandering around and paying no attention to the things that matter. You were going your way for far too long.

    So your heart is about to get bashed, your pride sunk, because you paid attention to yourself while leaving the God who paid the price for your sins.

    You see, he died for you, and you acted like it was nothing important. If that makes you ashamed of yourself, that's the right reaction. Now get with him, and tell him what he already knows, that you love him more than life itself, and you want to never do what you've been doing all this time.

    You see, some of us have been there already. That's how I know.
    Talk to your GOD with faith. It is your faith that will bring you back.
    Hey..Donno if I, or for that matter anybody, can advise you regards your belief in God. But, your concern really sounds serious. And, at the face of it, it seems that you really want to re-invent your faith in God. Honestly we all forget about god whenever we are in our good days and times; and remember him only when we face problems in life. And dont worry about establising the relationship again; if 'He' is willing, he will create situations around you, that will bring you closer.

    Always remember, its he who brings us closer to him; and even if we try our level best - we cant get close enough. His will is most important. My mom tells me - ';Just think about him at the beginning and the end of your day. And he will think about you more often.';

    So, be the good person that you are, leave yourself loose, and dont feel bad about it.. :-) He listens to one and all. He will show you the way.

    Remember - He has many children to take care of; and he will be with you whenever he thinks you need him the most..So, cheers..
    Wow! Reading about your Life experience is a lot like reading my own. I can tell you what has been helpful for me.

    The most important thing I've learned is to Know the difference between Knowledge and Beliefs; you can believe anything, but you can only Know Truth.

    If you want to Know God, talk to someone who Knows God. I'm not talking about someone who knows what they Believe about God, I'm talking about someone who KNOWS God. I can tell you ahead of time you're going to have difficulty finding such a person, so why not start with what YOU Know about God. Think you don't Know anything? You'll be surprised what you Know when you start looking for it! It'll be one of those head-slapping moments!

    If you want to start with something that may be a little easier, why don't you start by sitting down with pen %26amp; paper and writing down what you Know about yourself? For example, just by reading your question I can write down the following things I Know about you (if the information contained in your question is Truth): 1) You are female. 2) You have a good memory. 3) You were raised a Christian 4) The Christian Beliefs aren't working for you anymore. 5) You are intelligent. 6) You are more Spiritual than you realize. See how easy it is?

    Once you've written down what you Know about yourself, pick another person and write down what you Know about them. Here it gets considerably more difficult, because the person you pick will most likely not Know themselves, and the things you Know about them will just be their Beliefs about themselves. If you truly want to know a person you must first help them to Know themselves; if they don't Know themselves how can anyone else Know them?

    If you follow this procedure, you will eventually (and inevitably) end up back at God, and you will have gained a great deal of insight into Yourself, Others, and God.

    Remember, Spirituality is a search for Knowledge; Religion is a system of Beliefs.

    If any of the above has been helpful, and you would like to have a discussion, please feel free to e-mail me.
    Are you sure ';God'; is even real? If you don't believe in that stuff, then it doesn't matter. Religion causes war. War causes deaths. I'd rather not be a part of all that nonsense. I'm just going to live my life how I see fit, not how ';God'; sees fit.