Monday, December 28, 2009

Cna you advice me that if anybody have some abnormal experiences in your spiritual practice?

Yes. I have so many experiences in my spiritual practice. Don't scare about it. It's a symptoms of your meditation. But i want to know your experiences to more explanations. Please find a guru if you are strong in your sadhana.Cna you advice me that if anybody have some abnormal experiences in your spiritual practice?
Abnormal experience?, Yes.

I had one, but it was not when I was exercising for spiritual thing.

You just look into the mirror, in your eyes for a long time. What do you feel? Any retrospective effect? Any extra vision?

If you too feel please inform me; we may start a club. What do you thnk, huh?Cna you advice me that if anybody have some abnormal experiences in your spiritual practice?
it sounds to me like you are into the mythical side of things. Like magic, occult, witchcraft etc. But you have never had a ';trueblue'; paranormal expierence. The paranormal effects everyone differently.

but from personal expierence i have never been pinched, punched, kicked or spit on by a demon. nither has a ghost given me the finger

faith, is believing in something without a reason. If you had a geniuine, 100% without-a-doubt paranormal expierence. there would be no more faith that it exists, only fear of what it brings.

just as if god showed the world he exists
Please read and receive the message in the website called and read, meditate on the 587 pages free message with an open, calm, composed, and expectant, heart, spirit and mind.
yes i hav experienced the presence of a super natural power which we call god..before which i never beleived..but after series of testings and experiences..i felt the god..
I cannot call call my experiences abnormal but as most would call super natural, but for me natural. check out my web site
i doubt this person is looking for christian/catholic ways but insted pagan/wicca.

re write Q. =^-^=
A few of my friends have walked in some more serious stuff than I have, but I've seen and experienced enough not to foolishly dismiss metaphysical realities
Yeah, I spent 16 years praying to God and I never saw any evidence that would suggest he actually exists.

Oh wait, that's perfectly normal. My mistake.
Liek. dunno, when I tried to do a double front flip without a trampoline for the first time in my life and I succeed?
I always dream of optical illusions

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