Thursday, December 31, 2009

I need seasoned spiritual advice concerning a dream I had last night that has negatively affected me greatly.?

Early this morning, I woke up from a dream that I cannot seem to let go of, no matter what.

In my 34 years of living, I can only recall a time or two when I felt such a profound sense of depression as a result of a dream I had.

The dream:

In my dream, I was in a large room with a vaulted ceiling, like the shape of the underside of a roof (angled). In the room were two beds, and I was lying in one of them watching television. The bed that I was lying in was not made, and the sheets were scattered about the bed. I was on the darker side of the room, and as I watched television while in bed, the sharp images flickered from image to image cast a colorful glow against the darkness of the bedroom. The sharpness of the images were incredible.

Then I got up and moved to the other bed on the other side of the room. It had not been slept in. I continued watching television, changing channels with my remote control. About 12 feet from the foot of the beds were two large full-length windows, which led to a hallway of some sort just beyond my sight. And through this window, I saw a cloudy white light. I saw my parents (who in real-life are still healthy, alive, and in their 50s) who stood in front of the windows as the cloudy white light illuminated them from behind. My mother said, ';When you get done watching that, come outside for a second!';

Then, everything went black. I could hear a tape recording of ';Stairway to Heaven'; by Led Zeppelin playing on tape player, and it was the last 30 seconds of the song. I knew that the tape was old because of all of the pops and clicks it made as it played. I could hear the end of the guitars and the final words, ';And she's buying a stairway to heaven.'; I was in complete darkness, although I could see images that were very vague and extremely difficult to define by human standards.

I felt a profound sense of sadness, which was overwhelming. It was as if I was reliving the final few seconds of someone's life alive. The combination of darkness and sadness was overwhelming - - even after I woke up, I feel the sadness and emotional emptiness as I felt/experienced in that state of being. I felt connected to someone's death, someone's life, before and after death. I could see the words ';Drive Carefully'; while hearing the last part of Stairway to Heaven.

It was like a message-warning from the grave.

I'm depressed right now beyond belief - - ever since I had that dream this morning.

I'm 34 years old, a SummaCumLaude college graduate, and have had powerfully revealing dreams my entire life, some of which have predicted the future; however, I can never tell when such a dream will take place, nor what time it may or may not occur. But when they do occur, it is absolutely astounding, and that is part of the reason why I am so concerned about this dream.

Thank you for taking the time to read these details, and hopefully you aren't too bored or filled with too much skepticism. In some ways I feel that it is my mother's brother who passed away two months before I was born, as he has made himself known to me in visions, during an awakened state during childhood, and later on during dreams while asleep at night. I don't know why he has wanted to communicate with me for so long, but I am thankful to have ';known'; him during these visions. Oddly enough, I've learned that the spiritual world is far different than anything we are used to seeing hear on earth, especially the way people communicate with one another. He died in a car accident, only 19 years old, in 1974.I need seasoned spiritual advice concerning a dream I had last night that has negatively affected me greatly.?
First of all, Drive Carefully.

Second, IS your mom buying a staircase to heaven? Talk to her about spirituality, how she doesn't have to ';Be Worthy';. ';Not because of who I am, but because of what He's done. Not because of what I've done, but because of who He is.';

You should invest in dream catchers, say prayers, and do anything else to protect you while you sleep. It's not fair for you to have visions about things you possibly can't do anything about.I need seasoned spiritual advice concerning a dream I had last night that has negatively affected me greatly.?
This is a very profound dream and I Am glad that you put as much details as possible. Dreams are not reality, they are often seen as the unconscious self trying to communicate to your real self. The unconscious uses symbols to communicate with you.

The room could be a symbol of yourself, your whole self. The interior part of your room is your inner self. It is dark in part because not everyone can know entirely their interior self, or your unconscious.

The hallway outside could symbolize a path you are about to take or may take in the future. It is a path towards uncertainty and this scares you.

Your parents in a white cloud could mean many things. The image of the father could be a symbol of your own inner wisdom, the image of your mother could be your own interior part of yourself that nurtures you through your journey in life. These could just be symbols of what your parents represents in your life and not really your parents. It could mean that in the path you will take you will need your listen to your inner wisdom and to nurture yourself in your journey. Or perhaps that you are already in your journey and that it i a reminder that you need to rely on these.

The song stairway to heaven could be a call to inner enlightenment, to discover the ';heaven'; within yourself or perhaps your journey towards inner integration of your whole self. The invitation to come outside, could mean a transition perhaps, the moving from one part of your life to another? It could also be an invitation to get out of your normal shell, and to explore life a bit more. To move from your interior self to a new part of being a part of something outside yourself.

You mentioned a profound sadness and the last few second of someone's life. This feeling of death is often interpreted as a symbol of transition, an old part of yourself is passing away as a new person is emerging, sort of like moving from one chapter of your life to a new chapter. Transitions can be overwhelming and a lot of people fear it because they do not like letting some tings go and moving on. Another could be that you are or have gone through a transition in your life and somehow you miss aspects of your old self? Is there something in your younger self that you wish your had and that it was still with you as you journey through life? Or perhaps could it be that you are searching for a meaning in your life or a new direction?

Your dream could be tied together with where you are in your journey through life also. You say you are at the age of 34, the ripe time for the crisis of the thirties or even the beginning of your midlife questions. The image of your parents could also mean a concern for their health as well as a search for meaning. The profound feeling of death could be the death of the idealistic and care-free 20's? If these are the what is going on, then it is a profound time in your life.

Another way of interpreting your dream could be rooted in reality. That you are concerned over the well fare of your parents and are worried over their aging. The fear of losing a parent and life beyond that can be something that is stirring strong emotions within you.

If you ask for a spiritual perspective, perhaps it is God's way of speaking to you of the changes in your life and the direction you should go. Reflect deeply on the images, your dream and the meaning it has for you at this point of your life. Reflect on the journey that you began with, the place you are in your journey now and perhaps the journey God is calling you to take. Talk with God about your concerns and things you fear and let go into the hands of God. Pray for guidance and the inner strength to do what God wills for you in this specific time of your life.

I hope this helps and may God be with you in your journey.
What you thought is what you dream.

Your dream reveal that in your subconscious mind, you have a strong desire to move away from the dull/negative side of life ( move from darker side of room to the other side )

Your parent also wish that you would go outdoor more often ( don't be an introvert ) and enjoy life because life is short.

Bottom line is that you are suffering from depression and you need help.

Look at the link below.

They may help you.

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