I am trying to be more teachable. What say you?If you could give me any advice. spiritual or not, what would it be?
If there were ever a time to dare, to make a difference, to embark on something worth doing, it is now. Not for any grand cause necessarily, but for something that tugs at your heart, something thats your aspiriation, something thats your dream. You owe it to yourself to make your days here count. Have fun. Dig deep. Stretch.
Dream big.
Know though, that things worth doing seldom come easy. There will be good days. And there will be bad days. There will be times when you want to turn around, pack it up, and call it quits. Those times tell you that you are pushing yourself, that you are not afraid to learn by trying.
Because with an idea, determination, and the right tools, you can do great things. Let your instincts, your intellect, and your heart guide you.
Believe in the incredible power of the human mind. Of doing something that makes a difference. Of working hard. Of laughing and hoping. Of lazy afternoons. Of lasting friends. Of all the things that will cross your path this year. The start of something new brings hope of something great. Anything is possible. There is only one you. And you will pass this way only once.
Do it right.If you could give me any advice. spiritual or not, what would it be?
Ask lot's of questions, and question the answers.
Always put butter on your popcorn, unless it upsets your stomach
Don't ever do something you don't want to do just so you don't stand out. I know you've heard this every day of your life. But it is really good advice.
Don't be against something because it's obscure and few people do it/listen to it/etc. And also don't be against something because it's mainstream and everyone does it/listens to it/etc.
Pray always. Don't skip praying because you don't feel like it. And don't ever think you're unworthy to pray; in fact, if you feel unworthy to pray, then that's when you most need to pray.
Love everyone around you and don't judge them. You can learn a lot from people that are different than you -- much more than you could ever guess.
Grab someone that means the world to you, or someone you admire, and go lay on the grass and watch the clouds (saying what they look like, of course). It's so worth it.
Best of luck to you!
';To thy own self be true.'; Pray for wisdom all the rest will follow.
Read your scriptures, say your prayers and humble yourself. I think start being more gracious and grateful about the things in your life.
I know that sounds simple, but those things always help and never hurt.
Become friends with your subconscious: Become aware of your expectations, whether or not they are realistic, and whether or not you prefer to accept them (love yourself) or are willing to change them (change yourself).
We all just need to chill out.
My Advice
Drink better Beer
its better tasting and better for you
Study the Bible and Pray.
put as much faith in yourself as you do in your Savior.
never put anyone or anything before the ones you love.
One of the lightbulb questions---
How many psychiatrists does it take to change a lightbulb?
Only one- but the bulb has to want to change....
There's the key, Grasshopper- you must want to change... but I guess that's already covered...
I'd give the advice to read. It's kinda the modern version of knowing how to fish... (Give a man a fish- feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish...)
I read a story once, I'm sure many have read the same one, where a guy is minding his own business at home. His home is in the middle of a meadow or something, because no one else is around (no neighbors). He's praying to God to know what God would have him do. All of a sudden he hears God tell him to go push on this HUGE boulder. The guy is a farmer by trade and used to driving a team of oxen to plow his field. So he goes and starts to push on the rock. He pushes all day, and at the end of the day is totally given out, goes home, eats supper and goes to bed. The next morning he gets up, has breakfast and goes out to push the rock again. He notices that the direction he is standing and sees a hill and thinks to himself, This must be where God wants me to push this rock to. So all day he pushes the rock in an effort to push it up the hill. At the end of the day he eats supper, goes to bed and does the whole thing again the next day. Every day for weeks he does this, exerting every bit of energy he has trying to push this HUGE boulder up the hill. Finally one Sunday he kneels in prayer to God, feeling very down hearted. He prays to God in utter disbelief that after weeks of trying to move this rock up the hill he hasn't even budged it one inch. He's tried everything he can think of and nothing has worked. He asks God if He's sure He has the right man for the job because he's not making any progress.
God answers him and says, My son, you do not think you are doing as I commanded?
No, the man says, I have not moved the rock even a little since you commanded me.
Commanded you to do what? God asks.
Father, he says, You commanded me to push against this rock. You must have wanted it MOVED somewhere, and I have pushed against it these many weeks and nothing good has come from it. I feel I have failed You.
Nothing good? You think nothing good has come from it? Look at yourself, your muscles are long and lean, you have improved your health and stamina. You have done everything I have asked of you, and yet you think yourself a failure?
But Father, the man began, I have not moved the rock.
My Child, I never asked you to. I only asked you to push against it. If I wanted the rock to be moved, I would have moved it.
So I guess my advice to you is to remember the story and the lessons taught to you from it and others. Remember that sometimes we read too much into what God asks of us. Sometimes we just need to be obedient for obedience sake. Sometimes, we just need to push against the rock and realize that by pushing against it with all our might we are improving and growing. Sometimes it's not about moving the rock, but just pushing against it.
Open your heart, not just your ears. Sadly, all too often we listen but don't really listen to the heart of an issue.... I always try to listen completely before I speak on anything...
Always wear a condom unless you've seen recent test results and think you would be a good father.
Don't drive 10 miles under the speed limit in the left lane.
Question everything. That is the only way to find your own spiritual truth.
(There you go, first 2 not spiritual, the last one is intended to be :) )
You will not find your way to God until you come to the realization that you need to.
in this world to save yourself much embarrassment... don't pee into the wind.
...change ur ways-I mean ur name...
Don't eat yellow snow
Worrying is like a rocking chair. It gives you something to do, but it doesn't get you anywhere.
trust no one more than yourself, and use every opportunity to learn new subjects and perspectives
Learn everything as if you will teach it, teach everything as if you are learning it...
Be the change you wish to see in the world.
first and foremost know your self...know your strengths and weaknesses....
look for at least 4 different prospectives on every thing...
and question everything....
NOBODY expects the Spanish Inquisition.
In what ever you do do for the glory of God.
Be yourself, and be the very best you that you can be.
Buy low, sell high.
Open your mind!
edit: I know your mind is open. I didn't mean you personally I guess. I guess I read the question more like.. if I could give anyone one piece of advice... that's what it would be. :o)
So, if I'm giving you personally one piece of advice, it would be: Listen to The Killers! Best band ever! :o)
Always tell the truth.
be a better person today than you were yesterday...
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