Thursday, December 31, 2009

Spiritual advice.....?

I've been thinking about going back to Wicca as my religion, but I'm scarred and don't know if it's a good idea..I know that sounds silly but last time when I was getting into Wicca as a religion my mother found out %26amp; gave me the whole ';burn in hell'; thing...and I don't think my ';significant other'; would understand...but the time I did spend with Wicca as my religion made me very peaceful with things I even though I don't have it as a religion now I constantly think about going back to it..I know coming to Y! answers might not be the best place for advice but if anyone could give me advice...Spiritual advice.....?
Fear is the dumbest reason of all to follow a religion. You already know deep down that spirituality should make you feel happy, serene and fulfilled. Find out what's in your heart and mind and go with that.Spiritual advice.....?
Do what makes you happy. If your significant other only loves you for pretending to be part of another religion, then that isn't a very good relationship and I see that leading to big time resentment in the future. Explain things to your mom and significant other, and give them time to absorb it. They will learn to deal.
Follow your heart, Belle. There are plenty of non traditional religions that will allow you to find peace. Are you only afraid because of what others think of it? Wicca is a peaceful, beautiful religion, but it is not one for me. If I had to label my beliefs, I would say that I am a gnostic christian, as I believe in finding the truths Jesus brought to us of a loving God who allows us to have many chances to learn and grow. It is also a peaceful religion that focuses on loving God, doing good and then returning home to God.

it doesn't make sense any more than any other religions, but it's certainly more peaceful.

gotta love this whole torture threat thing christianity has going for it.
Do what you feel is right, and ignore the fundies.
all you need is Jesus....we all need him
Hello! i am a wiccan, and have been for a while, (nearly 6 years, im 16 now)

my mom dose not like it either but its what i want to do with life

i just want people to know that,

(i know this is not asnwering your question, but this is for the people who dont even know what it is.)

Wiccans are NOT Devil worshipers!, wiccans dont belive in the devil. Wiccans and Pagans Are Not Satanists Ask any Pagan or Wiccan about the cornerstone of their faith, and they'll probably tell you it's a reverence for their ancestors, a belief in the sacredness of nature, a willingness to embrace the Divine within ourselves, or an acceptance of polarity between the male and female. It may be a combination of those principles.

It will not have anything to do with the Satan, Old Scratch, Beelzebub, or any of the other names attributed to the Christian devil. Pagans and Wiccans aren't devil worshippers, Satanists, or Diabolists. go Learn more about how Pagans and Wiccans feel about such an entity.

Wicca is not evil -- the vast majority of us hold to a life of peace. We do not summon demons, devils, or spirits (and I think that, at least in the first two cases, such attempts would be foolish and dangerous); instead, we celebrate the seasons as they turn, give thanks for the bounty that the gods have provided,

The misconception that Wiccans are satanists began during the Roman Empire.

Satan, the devil, Lucifer; whatever you call him is a Christian belief and has nothing to do with Wicca or its beliefs. Some satanists do use magic for power, but they are Satanists not Wiccans. A real Wiccan uses their power for protection, healing, good fortune, divination, etc. None of those are evil.

all these stupid Christians need to learn what there talking about.


Don't be a Wiccan. Wiccans are weird.


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