sometimes the path to a beautiful city lies through the desert. we avoid personal pain and suffering like the plague, when it is exactly what we may need to refine our character.
in the desert time (pain %26amp; suffering) we have an opportunity to go deep into our relationship with God and in our knowledge of ourselves. God's will may take you to a painful place, but He walks beside you, never leaving you and He promised He will never give you more than you can bear.
Is this about a breakup? i just wonder because i have walked that same path a while ago and i can tell you that the darkest hour does not last forever. the sun always rises...I need some honest spiritual advice.?
Pray and ask two or three faithful believers to pray with you.
If it is God's will, though the path ma seem scary, He will give you a peace about it- you will know and understand the dangers and your flesh may still tremble but ultimately you will have discernment and peace no matter what the consequences.
God is a God of order not confusion - There may be trials and those things seem scary but He will empower you to do whatever He has called you to do.
Well, it's called common sense. If you see a path in front of you, it means that God gave you the ability to see. If you see that path in front of you leading to heartache and pain, then it means that God REALLY blessed you to be able to see, and you shouldn't waste that gift, it's for your own survival. Nobody's going to look out for you but you. So take good care of yourself.
Your question is a little vague - so it's hard to understand what you're asking - but I will tell you this...
You cannot ';disobey'; God. God is within you. God is love and goodness. If you were to go on the path that could take you to ';pain and heartbreak'; - would your intent be love and goodness??
We are here to spread the power of God (love and goodness) around. If you are doing that - you are listening to the God within you.
i'm sure that you already know that if it contradicts instruction already given in the bible it's not God.
it's sounds like it could be God but also God never wants you to be harmed. somtimes your flesh might get hurt though.
there is a verse that says whatever is not done in faith is sin. so it sounds like the best thing to do is whatever you have faith to do. if you believe that you are doing God's will in faith than God is still pleased that you are trying to do what He wants. and if you are wrong, God's still big enough to fix any mistake.
It seems like you already know the answer. You know the difference between right and wrong and you know which one is the right path. Don't let others influence you into doing bad things, when you know that they are wrong. Ask God to give you strength to do the right things and be there with you all the way.
It is not God's plan to make you lead a life of pain and heartbreak. Remember, God allows us free will. You choose your own path. There are always choices. Your choice does not have to lead to heartbreak because you also choose how you will handle the situation.
Listen to and follow your instincts. God gave them to us to use as our personal internal warning systems to keep us out of harm. Do what is right for you.
If this is about a man then remember the love passage?
What does God say love is?
Does this man have these characteristics?
Is he a Christian? Does he put your needs first or his?
Love is patient, love is kind. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud. 5It is not rude, it is not self-seeking, it is not easily angered, it keeps no record of wrongs. 6Love does not delight in evil but rejoices with the truth. 7It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres.
8Love never fails.
God would never bring pain or heartbreak into your life - those things happen as a consequence of a choice you have made. All people are born with a sense of right and wrong and I believe that you know the right thing to do. Do the right thing and don't look back.
I disagree with the answer above-
God gives us freewill- If will kill someone we are going against him.
Are you Christian? If that path seems completely against God's will in every way- pray over and over again.
If it something that seems obediant to Gods Will then don't let your flesh take charge!
God gives us some promises that are absolute, others are conditional-
to know the will of God, we need to be submitted to Him, be in relationship with Him, thru faith in all that Christ Jesus did for us on the cross. He also gave us His Word, to show us the way. Ask people
whom you know are godly, to help you.
if you need more help, - email me!
IF the decision does not seem like it will be good for you and you aren't sure don't do it. God will never ask you to do somehting you are ';NOT SURE OF';........:) Or let's say he won't expect you to.
The way is to listen very hard to the still small voice that lives within you as your higher self and to re-invent your self and take dominion over your own world,thus is the nature of the soul
1.... ask HIM....
#2.... let PEACE be your umpire...
#3.... in the ABSOLUTE depths of your heart you will KNOW.... even though you may NEVER be able to explain your position to another human being.... you will KNOW.... and you don't HAVE to explain...
God wants you to be happy, so do whatever YOU want as long as you're happy. It's His will for you to enjoy the life He gave you.
Please look to the brighter side and don't take any paths you know will have bad consequences you need to enjoy your life as much as possible.
My honest advice?
Stop believing in an imaginary being.
If you ask me I think you should follow what you believe is right, you know that God won't lead you into the wrong path.
not enough concrete information
pray God more everyday
what ru talking about theres no real subject here? what is Gods leading? what is the pain and heartbreak?....???
You cannot be sure. That's why its called faith.
I recommend that you go see your Pastor and speak with him about. That is what they are for.
find out what you are interested to. make a list and stay positive,
im not sure, but just pray to Him everyday and ask Him to show you what this all means. it could possibly mean that most of them follow Satan
listen to the Holy Spirit. Live your life in prayer over this. search scripture to see if it lines up with the Word. Ask a spiritual mentor (not someone your age-older, someone you respect and know will give the truth not just what you want to hear. this will be someone that you know has heard from the Lord in their lives. God says it is wise to seek godly counsel. expect confirmation by circumstance or coming across scripture to confirm what you have been feeling He is leading you. Be sure to to continue asking the Lord and scripture and confirmation is very important. you will know in your heart. God speaks to us individually, but often He also uses ppl to help us. However, be sure to use discernment. trust and expect to hear from the Lord. if it is a matter of action, think on this: i dont think that the devil would want you to do something that would bless someone else or especially the Lord. Is it something that would GLORIFY God? if not, then it is your human nature or the enemy. seek God to know God (know His character) and He will direct you.
Life Story
Right Choices Led to Lifelong Blessings
As told by Paul Kushnir
IN 1897 my grandparents emigrated from Ukraine to Canada and settled near Yorkton, Saskatchewan. They arrived with four children—three boys and a girl. In 1923 the girl, Marinka, became my mother; I was her seventh child. Life back then was simple but secure. We had good food and warm clothing, and the government provided basic services. Friendly neighbors readily helped one another with large tasks. During the winter of 1925, one of the Bible Students, as Jehovah’s Witnesses were then known, visited us. That visit moved us to make choices for which I am still grateful.
Bible Truth Enters Our Home
Mother accepted some booklets from the Bible Student and soon recognized the ring of truth. She made rapid spiritual progress and was baptized in 1926. When Mother became a Bible Student, it gave our family an entirely new perspective on life. Our home became a haven of hospitality. Traveling overseers, called pilgrims, and other Bible Students often stayed with us. In 1928 a traveling overseer showed us the “Eureka Drama,” a simplified version of the “Photo-Drama of Creation.” He borrowed from us children a toy frog that made a clicking sound. When the frog clicked, it was time to change the slide. We took great pride in our contribution!
A traveling overseer named Emil Zarysky often visited us with his house car. Sometimes he was accompanied by his grown son, who encouraged us children to think about becoming full-time ministers, or pioneers. Many pioneers also stayed in our home. Once, mother lent a pioneer a shirt while she mended his. He unintentionally took it with him when he left. Much later, he sent it back and apologized for the delay. “I could not afford the needed ten cents for postage,” he wrote. We wished he had kept the shirt! I hoped that one day I would be able to imitate such self-sacrificing pioneers. I am thankful for Mother’s hospitable spirit, which enriched our life and built up our love for the brotherhood.—1 Peter 4:8, 9.
Dad did not become a Bible Student; yet he did not oppose us. In 1930 he even allowed the brothers to use his large shed for a one-day assembly. Although I was only seven, the joy and dignity of that occasion impressed me. Dad died in 1933. Mother, then a widow with eight children, did not deviate even slightly from her determination to keep us on the path of true worship. She had me attend the meetings with her. At the time, they seemed endless, and I wished that I could join the other children, who were allowed to play outside. Out of respect for Mother, however, I stayed put. While Mother was cooking, she often quoted a scripture and then quizzed me as to where it was found in the Bible. In 1933 we had a bumper crop, and Mother used the extra income to buy a car. Some neighbors criticized her for wasting money, but she hoped that the car would help us in our theocratic activities. She was right.
Others Helped Me to Make Right Choices
There comes a time when a young person has to make choices that will affect his future. When that time came for my older sisters, Helen and Kay, they began pioneering. A pioneer who had enjoyed hospitality at our home was John Jazewsky, a fine young man. Mother asked John to stay for a while to help out with the farm. Later, John married Kay, and they served as pioneers not far from our home. When I was 12 years old, they invited me to accompany them in field service during my school vacation. That afforded me an opportunity to get a taste of pioneer life.
In time, my brother John and I were able to run the farm, more or less. That allowed Mother to use the summer months to serve as what is now called an auxiliary pioneer. She used a two-wheeled cart pulled by an old horse. Father had named the stubborn nag Saul, but to Mother he was a docile creature that she could handle. John and I loved the farm, but each time Mother came home from field service and told her experiences, our love increasingly shifted from the farm to the pioneer ministry. In 1938, I increased my field service activities, and on February 9, 1940, I was baptized.
Some time later, I was appointed as a servant in the congregation. I cared for the congregation records and rejoiced with each sign of increase. I had a personal preaching territory in a town about ten miles from home. During the winter, I walked there every week and slept for one or two nights in the attic of the home of a family who showed interest in the Bible. After a discussion with the Lutheran preacher—during which I was somewhat lacking in tact—he threatened to set the police on my trail if I did not leave his flock alone. That only made me more determined to press on.
In 1942 my sister Kay and her husband, John, made plans to attend a convention in Cleveland, Ohio, in the United States. I was delighted to be invited to go along. That convention was one of the best things that ever happened to m
I have a clue for you - God's will for you is your will for yourself. God wants for you exactly what you want for yourself, nothing more and nothing less than exactly that. That is why you have been granted free will, so that you can choose, elect and decide FOR YOURSELF what you want to do with your life. Believe me, God is not waiting breathlessly to see if you will knuckle under and obey. As a matter of fact, God doesn't want you to do obeyance. God isn't interested in obeyance. God, however, is much more interested, in you living your life exactly as you choose to live it. That is WHY you have been given an independent life. If God wanted robots, he would have created robots. If God wanted unquestioning servants who would never make up their own minds, he never would have granted you free will. And by the way, free will is not some kind of TRAP, or TEST, to see if you are going to obey or not. This is the wrong way to look at it. Free will is your opportunity to be FREE TO CHOOSE without the fear of being punished or condemned. It would make God a hypocrite to give you free will and then punish you when you decided to use it as it was intended to be used. God is no hypocrite!
You must freely choose for yourself, and do not let anyone else STEAL your right to freely decide for yourself in each moment of your life, who and what you will be, which direction you will take, which steps and how many...and how far you will go. God wants to see GROWTH in YOU and that means, taking risks, moving forward, being BOLD, making your own choices, and not letting anyone else stand in your way. If there is anything that God would say to you right now, it is just this: Do as you will!
I know how you feel when you ask the question about ';is this God's leading or my humanity'; because i find my self asking the same question in my life right now too. all i can say is that i have found comfort in this verse.... Ecclesiastes 3:11
He hath made every thing beautiful in his time: also he hath set the world in their heart, so that no man can find out the work that God maketh from the beginning to the end.
Only God know what is going to you are doing the right thing by praying. It is all you can do right now, God will show you the path He would have you to take ';in His time';
You see God has given us certain guidelines for living lke the 10
commandments. If you are going to break one of them obviously
you are disobying God. Simple. Then you find the few grey areas
that could confuse you.Simple pray for direction and leave it to him.
Read the bible when you can and you will find a clue to the answer.
Helps to talk to the pastor but if you feel uncomfertable you know
that God knows whats going on.
We suffer for somthing great and good to happen we are not born
to suffer eternally God wants us to be happy and he will guide you
through if you ask him directons.
God bless.
Is this about a guy?
You were created to do God's will no matter what you choose to do. If you went out and killed someone, if it was allowed to happen, it must have been God's will.
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