Monday, December 28, 2009

Seeking spiritual advice?

Since people who clearly do not have a problem standing in for God and His divine judgement always say that seeking Him eliminates homosexuality, I am here asking these people to tell me what exactly God plans to do to work this miracle. I mean, they're obviously much closer to Him than I am, and I have been a practicing Christian for 27 years. What do you say guys?Seeking spiritual advice?
You go girl. I will be very interested in any responses that aren't filled with hate or ignorance or both. I'm also a practicing Christian. I've been at it for 42 years. Like you said, they must be closer to the Lord than we are.Seeking spiritual advice?
Because of Adam and Eve's disobedience, we all inherited the sin nature. We are all sinners. All of us can be homosexuals, murders, fornicators, thieves, adulterers, gossipers, addicts, gluttons or liars. Probably even more than one of those. We all posses this sin nature, which causes us all to be born separated from God and do the things that He has told us not to do..

Jesus came to the earth for the purpose of becoming the blood sacrifice for the forgiveness of our sins. Those of us who will choose Him as our Lord and Savior and repent (which means to turn away from sin), will be given the free gift of forgiveness and eternal life with God.

God doesn't want anyone to be lost. He loves us so much even though we are born sinners. He has provided Jesus鈥?sacrifice for us while we are still sinners.

Not choosing Jesus is the only way that we remain separated from God. It is then, our job to stay filled with the Holy Spirit that He has given to Christians (those who have accepted Jesus) for the help we need to obey Him. Prayer to Him and obedience is what God has ask us to do for our benefit.

Coming to Jesus for love, leadership and forgiveness is the way to have a better life here, a renewed relationship with God and the promise of Heaven. The only way.
It's really ironic that those who are prepared to hide behind some outdated set of rules, or declare themselves Christians can also be so unforgiving and so intolerant of gay people. I am amazed by the self-serving beliefs of such people. They will tell you, on one hand, that they love you even if you are gay, but on the other hand, they will also throw in a harsh and cruel reminder that it's totally wrong. I fail to understand this deep-seated fear which so many Christians have toward gay people.

My personal opinion about what god plans to do for this so-called miracle is this, NOTHING! Because, you are already one of his miracles. God loves you, no matter who you are. Gay or straight. He created you and that's that!

I would stick to this thought and continue to worship god, in any manner, any religion, and philosophy, that I feel comfortable with. Be it Christianity, or anything else. You have nothing to be ashamed of, or feel guilty about for being who you are. Live in the present moment and be thankful for the fact that you are alive and are not a burden on anyone. You are, and always will be, a miracle of god.
ask someone from an exgay ministry. I think exodus international is one. and there are more. Those are homosexual people who have decided that they want to be hetero, and do it. They can surely tell you what to do.

I tried to become hetero because of religion.

I decided to be lesbian and forget religion. What is it. A book that 60 men have written in 140 years.....';men are the image of god'; is one sentence of that book. I am a woman. I am not interested to read such crap.
you'll probably need to ask dr. doris about that. she seems to know all the answers(and her pastor, of course). personally , i don't think god will mind. i hope not anyway.
The bible states that no sexually immoral person will enter the kingdom of God. It also states about not acting on your desires, whether they are food, sex, murder, pornography or abusing a young child. We are to possess and have mastery over our human flesh. Giving into these feelings, is not repression as some would state here but an willfull act which all of us must make in those areas that temp us to sin ....
Great. More Christian bashing. Yawn.....

When will the circle of hate ever end?
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